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Show jn Offtctr Jndtr A.gt. First Lieutenant Hugh A. Drum ot the JOth Infantry, now In the Philippines, Philip-pines, Is ono nf the youngest officers nt his rank In the reiulur army. II Is n son of Capt John Drum of the 10th Infantry, who was killed In action at5v at Santiago onJuly tt 1,1855 1op! Young Drum was fcy , I ono of the three fcr" young officers ap- jkU1 pointed lo the J?" jry "6i-resutsr "6i-resutsr armr at I I the same time and I under similar clr- f cumstances, Th'i ' other two areu(b A. i)nlm. I.leuta. A, M Welhcrell and K. W. Howell. Tho fathers fa-thers of nil three boil been killed M Santiago and each young man wss under un-der ago when hu recilvcd his commission. commis-sion. Ueut. Drum was born at Fort Ilrady, Mich., Sept. 19, 1079, and spent his boyhood st nrmy posts, chiefly In Texas and New Mexico. |