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Show POPULISTS KNOOnSB 8TBVEN- I HON I nMleBSIInn r Town Areepted and Met j .ion Named In Ills Slesd. At a meeting of Hie I'eoplea party national inmmltlce Monday the declination de-clination ol Charlea A Towns aa the le-preldentlal nominee for the party was aeeepted and I lie namaof Adlal K. Stctenanti was put In his place. This result was ubtalneil after a long debate beginning t t p. m and ending about fl V) p m In the beginning there were three courses adtocated by dllTercnt membera of the committee namely lo nominate a I'opullst, to lease the place blank or, lastly, to endorse en-dorse Mr Htetcnson Henator Marlon Hiitler, chairman of the committer, In a warm speech of eome length, adtocated Iratlng the place blank, contending that llryan and Htetensou would rrcelte morn I'opullst totes than If a candidate for tlcepresldrnt was named Hut one test tote was taken A motion was made to endorse Mr Htet entnn tor this motion Mr Washburn of Maisachusetta muted aa a aubslltute thai a I'opullst be placed upon the ticket The substitute waa loat on a eall of the roll by a tote of 31 ayea lo 71 naya The original motion was then adopted by a tlta tolce tote 1 hero were 131 membera of the committee com-mittee prcsenlor represented by prosy |