Show nd j t tt t I 1 v I I 1 Ui L j k h j k i f y 1 1 i f r i f t I d dt t Rf W Jl i h r I WiS t J rt f fi i g gJ J i z i M 1 rr If 1 i a lif I J f tw i 1 kt I j J t 1 a t it 4 D i u t t tf 1 A c cu tA Wl f J JI d I i kJ r 7 I I 1 i I 7 wl s u z s 1 zt j Sf i t of nr S Y F j j U I fu i f f if i j j Xv 13 g 4 tl Y t tf s M t f t l 9 ift m z t fit i ft I wi h f ltv l I 5 T f i f j rr 1 i lr X r m l I fJ f I I t J tf Jj i t I f 7 LT I 1 f 1 f m jJ t W l t i v i J la lar 7 F 1 t W WW W i r r Bt I LI LILS f ii J I II r 1 I r IS do LS Jf r I fJ t tf f 1 K i W l J j p FlOCk Embroidered 4 A Season of Elegance in Dress F Fabrics brics I That Drape Indispensable The Little Louis Coat The Sep Separate Separate arate Bodice Again I DIE IME was hell r ll suit an hat and t white gloves equipped one ent I for tor a 0 round of oC afternoon calI hut time ts Is past l aud S wraps of oC elegance nod t quite tho of oC n a trIg taIlored ef cr crt t ct arc for Cor loon visiting wearS wear nod lu In the tho dImly environment of oC i i J een nn ihU tei tho worn wom nn an a ault scams sonic vi 4 to tow out ot of place I 1 Sott Boft and lineR I Cons fons laces fun curs ara appropriate for tor In wear nowadays when one does docs not p to call at no nn time 1 upon ution ones women but Ion on for or the day ut at home or formal formalI I 1 ten and Ind Indeed Il now that one may ruoy to t p summon n a t and hu he huz hei z i j rolled to ones In I 1 luxury for or tim t expenditure or of a 0 aI I I I thero scams no ren reason n why n a nt 4 I t dainty should not bo be donned lu In to hostess s l PlIT PitT lor for lor Ilic Thins Than the I iou I ug I l L the ore any enter ion wo we are promised a winter ot of wonder 1 ful beauty and good III dress Nor 1 fO materials 10 o soft oCt rich or color colorI I J tugs 8 more artistic end lovely The only 1 t 7 thing Is l the substantial cost t these and stuffs nr arc d built hullt one over lb the other In layers loers of oC cx 1 S Cloths ot of gold and silver Used for tor en liro gowns own will wiil ho ha veiled with chiffons to produce the tho new lieI so lIO by tile the French dress just now In striking new nev striped are n Into chIc rocks wIth retelling little coatH o of plain velvet to match the tue rag over oer ocr oer other eCU over sturdy serge chiffons erect cred with threads with silk floss no nn entirely lIe new chenille IIII the new wool mixtures which delight the touch with their texture the tho eye ero with their indescrIbable Favorites aro sat satin In expensive t typo IIO of oC broadcloth with n a sheen sill sIlk In weight lustrous ns as and the beautIfuL whIch are 1 t mixture of oC hue IllIe wool nod mo me haIr and have hao most loel lovely drap lug IuS qualities h u Cont for Visit lug Wear Though the rIch fur ur garments which nl at Dys have first firt place lu In winter fashions for ceremonious car tend to the costume leK used than iii costumes arc oro beIng shown c extensively In every of oC apparel for Cor formal occasions The TheIl Il foil nil to he be to have lIno thu coat cant or of velvet moire sill hon heavy I II Its belli being Cor or ortt tt over y ot of light silk and wool oI and There Is wIde vide opportunity for Cor 1 L I U I I II I S I It 1 I t t tS I j S r costume Velvet i the smart a Last YeaT CUin taste In visiting coals cont Some Somo or of the models cover coer the tho rock frock lie he heath to the shirt Item hem tho fronts very cr nt at the hip with it cord antI and fastening or II eIst Others are In wrap 1110 with anti back In l one and aDd a effect nt at lImo tho trout front Time The Louis XV Coat still other are nrc quite short scarcely below the hips these gay ar bits ot of In l contrast t to the lon longer er which are most III style There Ls li nothing about time tho little Louis LOllis I IchIc lt elite chIc lIelI but the these e coats hlll iiii e em and bly thero nio tim tho snowy I no 1 Louis Loul X XV frills o of luce falling from Crom time Iho culTs cuffs unit ar an d In Jabot st style le down the Over Ocr a rock frock of oC brown sail II cloth cluth anti nt at n a recent Fifth openIng wn was n a of oC velvet nil over oer 11 th clusters or of forro ro COUld lie he mime of oC limo tho when Jo 10 as ns as lit III revel reel In garments anti Him filmy sleeve eel Time The little C velvet het moat op over ocr n a lace Inee waistcoat time crellin lace Juliet hl I C time n a pert perl how lIow of oC set ot at the front ot of t the be toek tim 1011 layer of time the lace Ince Juliet o over r It I ell the show these helie over oer which th r Is Isa 1 a craze j rrt no non Som of it mire ure merely it h or of net or i mire lire wIller there ur art two In color n it of chiffon to 10 lh the Icing over ocr The lie little how is 11 also usually set let directly III front or u a little to 10 erie stile Ie or of tIme the mud amid this lilt o ot dun time the ho how matches the Crot material or is II Of oC a touch of oe chic ellie one ot of Cou COli 1 lies ur of eivet time the coot ent holuJ uC of iii black cuffs cuCCI rever ot of hl velvet 1 mm lit of satin limo tho velvet III pattern vas HI lii III tie llio elegance lit of tIll th It its chief claim to html hilt time the e attracted to A touch ot of vivId flame color by bya a slumped shapel of oe satIn Limo tho o of lIttle yoke set Iet III time the at time the top if f tIme tho velvet bodice relict Once Onoe More In Favor FavorA I IA A gown shows th time reo re revived favor COr Or velvet civet this lining or of marine imbue blue with u a blue stripe lime rhe material Is cut cult In dlag onni which gives hes to time the figure adores these ef cC feets amid Intro introduces uces them sue Rhe call Time motifs on this velvet elet gown own are with whim blue anti and sIlver Ihor blue chiffon chIlTon the tho motifs set luto rather than over oler overtime time velvet elet It lie he tided that the of oC these motifs nt at the In of oC anti skIrt gives the effect l of a waist amid correct notion miO IIO III fact the Is no ultra correct nil time the French bodices quite selin seima time lIw fact cI nt mit of oC when time tho ore nrC h the thc man JUnn for one time till deplorable I 7 7 t j P j iI iIi i 5 S m SS I T I I I I Lc 1 1 j jI I I I qA 1 I j H HI m I I 4 4 I Im 11 J m j k w cn skirt belt helt foil bodice edge Two charming frocks showing Imo new of oC separate bodice anti skirt are Roth ot of these COg cos ore are for Cor rather than visiting use anti while most CuI nummi dainty In iii typo are le lexi formal ormal nod ond elaborate thamm time tho costume for Cor wear wIth hat butt arid The LouIs XVI XI reel Croci will Interest every because of oC Its rail leal Crom last years style Itle This pretty hns all the earmarks of oC the lIew mode Two 10 fabrics In combInatIon are used the pettIcoat beIng of oC pinkish gray ra fabric tim In rou froum fron length amid tile the overdress Is hack to thov jho tile the petticoat being ot of taffeta sill In iii pili It amid effect Skirt anti hns been separate In iii costume the tint lint detail of time the new to time the edge of oC the bodIce This girdle nt at one side of oC time the bach wIth n a pInkIsh gray shell Pearly hito 1110 In the will 11 lie be repented In inthe the tho costumes of the Loul mOlle and rosy l blues and grays e to b 11 trewen bodice ot of thIs XV frock gives It a of at the Ichu nod time the pretty little sleeve ruffles of oC lace with willi will to eer every sho loves loes dainty et ef acts erts Time second house frock Crock Is ot of silk em with silt silk hess of oC the same Time hod Ice ls is separate from Crom the skirt null nud imn the thc short loose sleeve over sin nu of lure lace which ts Is extremely modish thIs year Scarcely a 0 gown shown nt mit allY ammy o oot of ot of time the ParIs or ev cw York hut hind ill aim over ocr sleeve the tho latter beIng of sheer fabric nail aDd extend In ing only n a few Cew below the over oer Gle e time thc whole sleeve coming coining just tee 40 low time thu For time thu elbow sleeve is back again as for IlS as house frocks n are ro con comi and ontI this Is Iii ns mis It should lie he for tor this Iee Is 13 munch more graceful null anti attractive with co ot of thIs timis type little drapery or apron n a skirt is 19 very er smart In Indeed indeed deed mind time the pannier wIth out omit III any uny wily to the sIze ot of the tho I or effects are oro Upon and ond time tho dare not muke too n aggressIve Ie on nn oi of the draperies which timey ther would 0 to establish LinCH Still lii While tImo tho Louis XV HilI XVI styles stronger every tiny In larl lii III time IIO ef cC effects html air to retain their for or some to COllie lla have 0 the figures tu to stun stand 11 thet rather t trying II clos effects most I French women heln beIng too toe short nn fbi tOJ to about mist null amid to look louk mit dt best In time the I ce ceA A lost years gown may IH be lilt satisfactorIly U II imy covering ep cp lime high with n a bodice nail I time ho of ofa n a gown own gives us a sll this lIne lInc Q a fitted cuIrass ot of over Q a broadcloth shirt a soft sash nh ot of tIme the Un 6 rl null amid Above Ih limb modice holIce Is i a 0 In lace co yote ol e showing cream loco lace in 10 with gold time the sleeves and shoulder straps are of not the material aol with gout ol Timis glint of oC metallic trimming 1 Is dearly loved ly lythe I Ithe the who ho use eso It ou on costumes In for tor wear In artIficial light lIht time Ihl silver trimmings a very er effect when the tho threads give hlo back time tho ot of electric lI lights h ts Another eo costume shows the tho vogue for clerIcal effects stoles b mind hUlln buying heon borrowed reck recklessly Ics lessly l b by the dressmaker to decorate time the thene ne new costumes Smoke grimy hns been here the tho tabard coat with stoles nt at bach and front lie hc III enrIched whim th henry heavy om cm also In the tho gray rny color colorA 0 A Iro gray chiffon yoke rising above this th anti coat cont Iii Is laId over ove n a 0 of white lace Ince The Tho over sl Co Is ot of thu tho thol l covered wIth 1 |