Show BOYS STORY STOY I Of ROBBERY Two Youngsters Had Carefully Planned to I Rob and Kill I Lawrence Kas No Nov 13 curIous throng of Dr people here toda today viewed I the of oC Earl the I body boy han ban I IdU lit dU who committed suicide following the hold bold robber or of the State Dank Bank at Eudora near here The fhe boy hoy died at Eudora during the nIght alid the hod body was brought this morning to i Lawrence where on an Inquest was held I 1 During the pro progress or of the Inquest I I William McKay the 15 Jacic JacI r Fin Fla boy who took part in inthe I the affray anxiously paced his cell I iu iti the county jail here McKay wag wa brought to Lawrence late yesterday to prevent a lynching and hile all fear of mob violence had apparently dis disappeared L appeared this morning the youthful i was plaInlY frIghtened McKay spent n a and cut ent night He had no further I 1 t h said to bo be a real robber lUte Bul Bullock I 1 lock Instead he Inquired anxiously as to the thc condition of Fred Starr te cashier whom Bullock had shot In the jaw yesterday estella For the crime as ao well lK that of bank robbery McKay probably ably ubly must surfer suffer McKay McKa was relieved when told Starr Would reco recover r The cashiers wound I is lOUR laos paIn Cui but Is not considered ser er Because of 01 hIs youth It was ed cd to It try McKay In the tho Juvenile court md and It was planned to arraign hIm mt Int I II I er cr In the tho day dav Bullocks father a merchant of oC Kan City arrived here today to take charge of his boys body the coroners Inquest After Arter making a statement last night t Idling of the movements of himself J i end and Earl Bullock for the last ast two 11 weeks McKay made a supplemental statement today t In his first statement the bo boy had 1 said he h was persuaded b by Bullock to enter Into the robbery robber and that his part In the had been almost forced upon him himIn himIn 1 In his s secand nd statement McKay san sanEarl Earl Bullock and r I In i JIlt Jik talked over where we could make the tho biggest haul We Vo talked about robbing n a grocery store belong ig to lo Mr Ir Flynn It was at nw my BUg sug suggestion that we also discussed the fact that there thero was n a largo safe In r Flynns store and I told Bullock I knew knes how to blow open th the safe a aWe I We decided wo cOuld get 1000 by robbing n a bank near Kansas City that spoke about Earl larl Bullock and J I nearly all tho time we were together talked about 1 how We w could rob roh the hank and I agreed him him that In robbing the bank Ir If necessary I 1 would any hod ody that thal red redI 1 I fully expected to get a bIg or of mOlle money or 01 r would not have a agreed recd to rob tho hank with Bullock layor S D Bishop of this city sent the tho following telegram to Mrs Win Vm McKay mother of Willie nt at Fin Fla today toda Your Son William In count jail joll for robbing bank bani at COmpute Bullock killed Bullock reg 0 1 at Waverly hotel Jacksonville I under name of Donaldson This reply came from Mrs rs McKay this morning Please Plese keep my mr boy hoy until you OU get my mr letter mailed today Upon receIpt of oC this message It was decided to postpone Mckays hearIng until Monday Lat r It was decided to postpone hearing until Monday Later It was decided that an Inquest was unnecessary sarr and Bul Bullocks I locks bod body was turned over to his I father I |