Show CORN SELECTiON PAYS This spring there was not enough good seed In the tho corn belt states to so go around and the runn who ho had good oo sound seed could have havo made big money had lie he mn made o n a busIness or of selecting and soiling selling It Prof Joseph A L Jeffrey writes that thata n a gret deal or of shock and crIb corn has 1138 b used for Cor seed In that state lIe gives an Interesting of what good bood selection means I have before me mc two illustrations of oC what this will mean One farmer who vimo sac saved seed last fall nh exhibited two wo tenear lots at a local cant sho show Both samples were excellent corn an and iL If he had bushels well saved ae he could easily dl dispose po o or of It As a matler of oC fact he had saved aed just seed for his own use hut but had a considerable amount or of time same sume corn in the crIb and n a larger larser amount In the tho shock r I have hae tested twelve cars or of his shock hoek corn using time the method or of In log th the test planting five fic kernels from irom each euch ear car or Of timo tho twelve ears five pro produced produced no germInations three germina germinated ted one kernel out of line fine three three out of live fie and one only germinated nil all five kernels and one 0 of these kernels sent up a very sickly I t plant Of oe eleven ears or of the corn from the crib live o no germination three produced one two produced tWo out or of five fic and ono one produced three all of which indicates n a very el unfortunate tale state or of affairs In l Instance a farmer sent us 1011 ears cars to test Two out or of the four cars showed sufficient vitality to warrant their use for seed seedTime Time rhe failure of farmers to select their see seed corn in the Held will wiil cost them several millions or of bushel |