Show I WEEDS AND FEEDS TAN TAINT T MIL LK K AROMATIC HERBS AND WEEDS INJURE MILK NOT BE WED TO EAT EA T THEM DY C s It If weeds arc aro nil allowed owed to brow In the IcId l the they In a great ways a S depreciate thu tho or of During the season of oC the tho year when tho l grass ras Is short cows should not la allowed to feed icet uon on pastures where noxious weeds sLid as S weeds poppIes cabbage and rag raJ eed grow Neither should these weeds be left lert to grow TOW In hi meadows and grain fields wh ro they thoy are aro cut with wit the hay har and grain to ho bo fed to cattle A few fe hours spent In cutting and destroying weeda Js is tune time well Callio will eat the tho foliage or of these plants nt at an time thuG or of tho ho year ear but are aro more to iced feed thorn dur during ing the months when tho grass In the pasture Is A stream o of pure clear water comes beyond a doubt from rom a pure puro source In Ina Ina a it may be said that healthy health well fed cows produce pure pue wholesome mm milk Jf It too broad brond a statement to sn say IlIIn milk mille comes come from sound Hound health healthy cows only and that flaiL Im Impure j pure milk Is produced b by unhealthy cows Il Is not m my Intention to go Into a discussion or of the tho diseases common cattle but to emphasize how easily time the milk or of cows Is tainted through their romalic plants such as the tho ones I have hae above always H possess an odor peculiar to themselves und and when taken Into the tho body possess the lOwer to penetrate the entire oven oen Into the In tim tho u udder der Here vu find thu tho odor the same samo In Inthe Inthe the milk as It is iM In the plant These cannot be said to Injure the health of oC the cows but tho they Injure the tho sale of the tho and butter buttel produced b the tho cows that eat cat them tImm Aromatic foods such as carrots carroL po potatoes e and 1111 turnIps which produce unpleasant odors are aro often orten fed Ced luring tho ho Inter r months month but must be beell fed ell very er carefully to bad A good wa way to 10 got gel rid of oC thc these w cr cC Is to Iced feed a small amount after a short time before milk the aromatic products have a chance to pass from the system weeds in Limo tho ha hay and straw if IC eaten b by the cows cow will taint tile milk Just l ns as readily and often to a great It Is almost nn an Impossibility to feed and rull rota bagna without noticing the odor In time milk By feeding six or eight pounds of oC grain mixed wIth some wet bran n a cow ma may bo be leti Ced as high as n a bushel of carrots carrols oi 01 sugar beets wIth without out its Ils heln In time tho mill ot or a bushel hushel however Is about the right amount to feed A small feed of good sweet clover hay a half hour or more mOle before mill milk millIn In log helps to carr carry time tho odor out or of time the milk In tho udder |