Show GENERAL GRANT OPPOSES SALOONS Frederick D Grant son Bon of oC General S Grant rode rodo at time the head of a great temperance parade In Chic Chicago o recently and was severe severely h ly crIticised hy by time the interests for so 60 doing oven even went to fat iaras as to to the tho secretary r of war General Grant Graut wore wor his They charged that It was wa for an officer or of the rog ular army to wear time the regulation 1111 form forni while whilo participating In n a parti partisan san parade General Grant very crY properly that it Il was not a 0 partisan parade hut hilt a for forthe forthe the or of society There was a time timo when whon the move moe I meat ment for prohibition was ms regarded as asa a partisan one hut that time Is past 1 Time movement fa for l time tho abolition of slavery was as a partisan ono one In time the bo be beginning ginnIng but It soon became as broad broadas as ag Democrats Republicans Socialists may inn ho he found fighting to shoulder no now In or of time the of oC time the 1 saloon a 1 General Gener ll Grant Is to be con congratulated on the tho character of hIs I I I I d I I I n 0 citizenship which him to lend to such a An Is being made to close the saloon In ChIcago To bring time matter to n a vote at the municipal elections next April It Is necessary to get between and natures to petitions This will compel compol the officials to lo submit time tho question to time tho voters anti and then time the hamder halder tight light will begin Great ovan on such as G Gypsy Smith Ho Rev Win VOl A Sunday and Rev R 11 A Torrey will assist In stirring up the tho Jt It Is hardly possible that the saloons will be voted out or of Chicago but the effort to do so Is one of time the encouraging signs or of time the times An encouragIng feature of oC the situ situation atlon Is time Increasing number of magazines and which ex cx dude all liquor advertIsing front from their columns rho rhe Peoples Popular was ono one of the pioneers In Inthis this stand and wo have never noer ro 10 It for an Instant Jf Ir aU all the periodIcals of time tIle country would ex cx clinic liquor It would ho hoone hoone one one of the hardest blows that the traffic could bo be dealt It Is no now conceded that time the closIng of the tho saloons helps all kinds of legitimate This has been heen ly hy town after town where they hao been driven out omit If your town Is with sa ga saloons loons Ou should organize anti and got rid of oC them You will never regret It Ita a aid Hl will bo be and more as a result of your action Leaving the moral question entirely out omit or of consideration tho sn sa saloon loon is the greatest extravagance that any community can tolerate More mone money Is wasted In the than any other way More 1010 monc money Is In time tho saloons every cerr year titan It coats to run tile the United States gO gov eminent They Ther are a great cause or of orI high taxes and themselves in they are arc the greatest tax that Is imposed upon the tho earnIngs of the Pies Ics Co |