Show mt BC I Mrs Nettie Carter of Elkton Ky her physician had toll toL her that she had Pure ni I Whiskey cy and has been com coni ir W restored to o health Ar Ac Ari i iL petite is good she Jeeps we i iJ J and enjoys life without pam rM t K or ache i f I I had acute indigestion for tc l years which l kept pt growing wor e 1 k employed several physicians 4 arty any benefit I imo came near starving 0 t I could eat very little For 1 f fer d frequent L attacks f 41 X v vomiting which made me mc very we weak k 1 t n I Finally my physician told me ma that I 1 had consumption This filled me with irr h I 1 terror 01 l R Ri i iq i c J In an advertisement In Nash Nah q t A vile Banner Sanner I red that Pure f It t Malt Whiskey oy was wis recommended for fo f lJ 1 I f Tuberculosis or Consumption I be bej i JI j ill id 4 gan to take talo It In des doses dose r v four or five times a day and a table tablespoonful tablespoonful spoonful at bedtime I am now strong MRS NaTTIE CARTER CARTEt and well Cough distress in my chest chestand chestand and t th Indigestion are gone My appetite Is good I sleep well This is 15 all due to Pure Malt Whiskey key which I 1 regard as an unfailing cure of cOnsumption If taken In Nettle Nettie Carter Elkton Ky Thousands both men and women like Mrs Carter praise Pure Malt Whiskey for restoring them to health DuffY r t WhiS Y cures diseases of the throat and lungs and all run down and weakened con can of the body brain and nerves It builds tissue Invigorates body brain and nerve quickens the circulation tion and aids In driving out all disease Y germs It Is prescribed by doctors S SOld hd Is recognized as a family mea everywhere ou ask our or be sure you get the I It I the only pure malt I sold In bottles In bulk Look for the the theOld Old on the label and make miko ur the thc o or r the cork Is unbroken e 4 Department The Cuff Co R N Y for n free medical t nd free j ILi 1 t t iff I I I Ii I C Y Yo o k I The Safe R od d 9 to o lr I New steel passenger equip equipment equipment ment the finest that money can canI 1 I I car meals and ser serI service service vice Best in the forded t to patrons on the line of the Jn on Pacific Dustless perfect track Elec Electric i trio block signals fl For literature n rates etc call on or address I Ao Bo B Mos ey To T P Ao AoI I o s l R R Co CoI I i I Only One BROMO th t is s fl lj on very Cures il Cold in One 9 P bOX 25 C p in 2 Days DELINQUENT NOTICE Elko Eclipse Gold Mining pal of business Ogden City Weber County of Mines Tuscarora Nev No Nov 2nd Notice Is hereby given ghen that there are delinquent upon the following de dc described scribed stock on of as No 16 15 of oC Ph Me cent centI I per pOl share levied on the 2nd nd day of I October 1909 the tho several amounts set opposite the names of 01 the re stockholders as follows No Cert Name Shares Amt 33 Bell 2 iiO 32 Gunda A Barnes 2000 J P Carlson 16 69 13 J J T DrIver 18 J J Driver 1000 2000 24 4 J J 1 Driver John Greathouse 1000 GOO GOODO DO 90 G C H G H Greenwell GOO G H Gre n well 1000 Ii 00 N F F Green N F Green Groen H T 1 Garner 1250 C H C H Husse 1500 C R H Hussey 2 i Cora E B Keller KenOl 2 O G C 11 I Keller Kener C 11 I Keller OO Otto Olto Lund 1 00 93 33 A H Martin Marlin 2 50 A H Martin Marlin 2 20 50 J is I Pantone T 1 11 1 Pantone 1000 GOO J F 1000 7 J 1 F 1 1500 OO IGO T J J GO I J 1 Sch Schwartz 1 O I 1 A Schwartz 2 J 1 B Stallings 2 60 SO V B 13 OO 2 50 I V 13 Stallings 1000 81 G Ii F Stallings I P P raylor faylor 1000 i Ceo Geo H F Vine 1000 ts El Ed Venables 1000 I 97 Ell Ed Venables GOO Ii GO F C Woods 25 16 F C Woods iO 50 F C Woods 22 23 F C Woods 2200 1100 HJ 9 Tos Jos Wallace los JOB Jo 1001 1000 2 Olive A 1000 D U 11 Tracy 1000 I 1 R 1000 5 00 I Susana Wa 50 L 1 25 5 Jos 1 GO 27 Joseph 1000 And In accordance with law ind indan an order of th the board o of directors made mallo on the 21 day dar of October IDO 1909 so 50 many shares of each of such duch stock LS as maX may bo be necessary will be benold nold nt at the office No 2381 2281 Washing Washington ton corner of oC street Ogden City Utah at the hour of I 1 on November 17 IOD 1909 to pay par the tho delinquent assessment there on together wIth the tho coat or of advertis lug Ing and expense of sale B P CRITCHLOW Pros Pres PresT T P CHA CHAMPNEYS Secy First publication Nov No 4 1909 Last Lart publication No Nov 20 O 1909 NOTICE OF INTENTION I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN b by bythe I the City Council or of Os Ogden en City Utah of the tho Intention of such Council to tomako tomake make mako the following Improvements to wit witTo To create creato Childs A Avenue from Street South Un fl or to South lIne ot of Childs Addition as a sewer district and to build therein pi pipe po sew sewers ors ers S Inches In diameter connecting with the manholes of oC the pr sow or er system and with such manholes as ma inn be necessary and to defray the tho costs and expenses or of the tho estimated at by a local as for a depth of oC feet upon the tho lots blocks parts of lots and blocks lands and real estate being within said district abutting and bounding upon the outer boundary lines Of said street The boundaries or of the said district to bo be benefited or by said Improvements arc ara lines drawn feet outward from and parallel to the I outer boundary lines of the Said street for the tho length thereof I from Street South to South lin linof I of Chillis ChIlds AdditIon For the payment of the thio and expenses of makIng said improve ments the CIty Council intends to toley levy ley and ami COll collect ct special and local taxes upon the tho lots blocks parts of lots and blocks lauds lands and real estate I lying and being withIn the tho boundaries of the said district to be created to the extent of the tho to said property b by reason or of said Improve Improvements ments Thu Tho City Cily Council will on Monday londay the 2 nd day of November 1909 at atS S 8 p nt in in the City Chamber City Hall Ogden Utah hear objections In writing from Irom any I and all persons Interested In said lo 10 I and special a assessment I Ordered by br the City Cily Council Octo October her ber 1909 A F PARKER City EngIneer First publication October 2 29 fIOri 1909 Last publication November 20 1909 CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS Notice Is hoob hereby given that the tho un undersigned of Ogden CIt City I will ni al his office on arni after artel this date par laY City Warrants bearing reg I numbers rem to In elusive and numbers to and to BI 00 nIl all inclusive I and further that all such warrants I Inot i not to me for payment on I I 01 before November 1909 will cease to 10 draw Interest r Signed THOMAS B PARR FARR i Oil City Treasurer WANT ANT ADS BRING DRING BIG RESULTS l I PILES CURED IN 6 to 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of itching blInd bleed bleedIng Ing or protruding piles In S 6 to 11 days or mone money refunded SOc IMPORTANT CHANGE IN CAR SCHEDULE November 1909 Hot SprIngs cars leave and Washington avenue at A M JL Mand I and every hour and a half thereafter r rI until 1100 P M bI Leave hot Ilot Springs at 7 15 A M Mand I and ever every hour and a half balC thereafter until 1145 P M service on Sundays and holidays WashIngton avenue cars will gl gla gIve a twenty minute service leavin North end at A M if until 1 A M then every fifteen minutes until 8 00 P M 1 then twenty servIce senIco until J 00 midnight Lear Loav LearIng big Ing south end at 6 10 A M 1 and e ev evory ory orr twenty minutes until A M L then thon every fifteen minutes until P ii I then ever every twenty minutes until 1200 ml midnIght Canyon cars leave 2 lh street avenue at 10 1000 00 A M MI Mand and every hour thereafter until 6 00 P 1 if Leave Hermitage at 1030 A AN AN I N an and every overy hour thereafter until 6 30 P M lI Then a forty minute cr vice rice to lo Sanitarium until 9 10 p M 1 Leaving Sanitarium San last trip Hot Ilot Springs and Can Canyon you Time Carl can be secured at upon request OGDEN RAPID TRANSIT CO COUr Ur fly J W BAILEY DAILEY Supt The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a 3 cold coldby Jy by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is isE E h LAXA TIVE F COUGH SYRUP fleas is s the o original cough syrUP contains no Op opiates moveS tho bo bowels carrying the tho cold oil natural Guaranteed d to SI aili or money mODey refunded SOLD DY BY GEO F CAVE AND DEPOT DRUG STORE I t f ANDL 1 J i I I |