Show A PRIZE ESSAY Dangers of Narcotics WrItten b by Jonnie Mills a sixth grade grado or of tIme United States In School at Phoenix Arizona A narcotic Is an any substance that deadens the tho brain and nerves Tobacco co Is a powerful narcotic and con I a substance called nicotine An I cigar contaIns nicotine en cn ough to kill two m men n it Ir taken pure lure I for nicotine Is deadly olson Boys who try It say sar that at first It gIves them item a headache dizziness anti and sick sickness ness umess at the stomach That Is the wn ay their poor bodIes try to tell thorn them UI t they mire arc takIng a poison If the they I I keep on tIme tho deadens their I nerves SO their are more and I i moro Injured Man boys and young mOil learn to smoke hy by beginning with These seem harmless be because cause the they are so small but ut they are aro ono omme of oC the most dangerous prep ra of tobacco and boys especially I should not use tobacco lii ans form I while tho they are arc growing bec because use its j juse I use Is likely to stunt their heir I t Opium Is also a deadly narcotic poi pol poison I Ison I r son although It Is used by doctors to lo relieve pain It has a YOn ery II had bad effect upon the man who muses 1663 It although It loes not nol make him so violent as alcohol does 1 Through h the narcotic the tho I power of is lost Alcohol a colorless poisonous liquid Is also a narcotic Its nature Is to Injure the health reduce the strength or of time tho boil bod destroy destro me life and dull the mind fund Much Lluch of the alcohol goes to tIme the brain and It cannot do Its proper work It if one is in the habit of alcohol Whiskey as well as ag many other drinKs of the same nature which contain alcohol are arc narcotic People ho chew clue 01 IIse 1150 opium and alcoholic drinks to excess can seldom lie he trusted I am er ery sol sor sorry ry n to say that 1 know some white people who d thes these things No oue who has theo habits cnn can lIve lIc right and ho lends other to do a 11 wrong things It Is I awful to timing thing of f fall all the tho sin caused by I Chief of Police Donahu o of Omaha Nob purposes to put an cud ond to cig aret smoking In that city and to pun punIsh ituim Ish any auy dealer who ho Is known to give giveaway away papers I Twentythree or of St Law Lawrence renCe University Canton N y V have hao I been suspended until J I tom 01 I breaking the he rule which prohibits smoking neal neam the college collego halls Time Tho Church Temperance Sunday Sundar Is Isa Isa a good timing thing but the great greatest est need Is a Church Temperance Tuesday This ls Is the only church eel that has all any scare for or the tho sa saloon saloon loon In N Howard I |