Show SEVEN SE V EN YEARS Y EA EAN IN N STATE SON L J MARKHAM YOUNG MAN IS SENTENCED C M Seybolt Who Forged a Check Checks ts s Also Ordered Taken to the Penitentiary Pc n i tc n tIn ry I J the tho youthful burglar who tho on the night of November 1 ell en entered a Chineo noodle parlor anti and robbed Leo luing Jang the proprietor of S 8 was sentenced to seven Reen years itt in the state prison this morning by Howell of the distrIct Mark Markham ham who appears to be about 20 years ears of age received his sentence coolly and did not seem affected C M the young anti and who forged the tho name of Frank to a 60 check payable to the tho firm of Bloomquist oh 30 0 of his year yea I and lately back Crom OttaWa Kansas was sentenced to two years year In the thc penItentiary Both Seybolt lt and Mark ham luant were arraigned last Tuesday and entered pleas of guIlty to the charges They will wUl ho bo taken to the penitentiary next Monday onda I |