Show I J I I j F 1 T 7 1 f r t Ii hr e I 4 1 1 e A J I Ac 14 rt I i k k 9 I I A At I t 5 U I I A c 1 I J 1 1 4 I I 1 L 4 p 5 J s sI I 4 gg D fl j The Man Who Owns bu Cohan 4 j r t tr Edward Chanes In the j ja k a an Twelve Years I Fro From m O Our ur Now York rl Dramatic Corre Cerre popular with New cw TO 0 York audIences though In iii a different lute ot of work have havez lavo z returned to the metropolitan I coards In new cock In a 0 The TIie Man Who Owns Broadway antI Harry Lauder Scotch singer and dancer wIth new Cl songs The Tho inn Who Broadway ig 18 t l nU New Y ns as ehl ns as ch characteristically e but In spite or an that thi th Is not one oneth th t ia t hong In the citY on which Its 15 batted b Hitchcock ii impersonates the tho mutt who hs hu for or Ills hit own use Ulle the lie Street of oC the ills dis lI cr nUll strongly as this tha 0 he rest or of the T Tender Tenderloin loin a well vell lIe Is to be an with whose ii girl lies has been smitten whose first link of love loe has hals been i obdurate father What are Is hot quite 01 dont but the Irl In lie case who Is Impersonated b by Miss Flora At least Jelt makes enough fuse about It ItA itA A card car inc Ihl all lie Iho Atlantic line and Iii hi companion for a linK ki kc p tin thc lot 10 lent lorn etor tor tu u I but t t luaU lit hI eh i I tt 11 i I J his I L th the plot ii 1 I though It wanders through three acts to the accompaniment of as great n a hullabaloo as half hol a hundred 11 noh noisy chorus people CUll can mal e There are sixteen son songs together with several combinations o f ilium that puss pass as finals to the various acts The They cleave cleao closely to one or two to tempos You Your r ant tant Ito tho tempo because the orchestration centers In the tho drums I Tobe To bc strictly fair tp the tho I to Its author who combines man many or of which is dancing it should lie he said that Tue fhe Man Who Vho Broadway won II a success ot of Its t the hO first audience which was almost arnol t as noisy nt at limes hues as ihie musical comedy itself Its future will wili depend depond upon the per perI percentage I of oC New Yorks Population which holds the lie seine views or of what entertainment or of the lie performers who sero I beside Mt Mit hitchcock t I and Miss Zatelle welo Stanley ironic Forde I Scott Welsh George Lydecker er Miss Lure Lara Lieb and Four 8 one cleverly and there was on more chorus that was fairly e effective 0 I Great has been aroused In Ini I i Circles s by h tho chanso front from frontI fromI I come y nut light opera to I lr lma h by Edward Martindel I I ho I the country In pro Mr dr 1 b I liiv In a 1 roll role in r ho Officer by Theo Theodore Burt Sayre which Charles Frohman recently pro produced and started on a road tour prior to bringIng the lie company to 10 New York TIto rho Commanding Is II a tur cry drama of oC a type that affords s Mr opportunities to display bJ la his acknowledged talents to those who era ure familiar with hl his worle I In musical drama Mr ne venture Is looked on as a 11 test which lie ho will successfully moet meet as lie ho has frequently in III his various roles eI that thal ho Is as much or of an actor lUI as lie he Is a singer Scored In The Tho Alaskan Mr won probably lila his greatest success In iii his prolonged tour tourin I In The n a story or of the god diggings ln s b by Joseph Blethen nemi associated with a well veil known newspaper In that pro Ito ho played the tho role or of Totem Pole Pete and his rendition of the lie known totem pole 1 song was chiefly for or the play attained ne also prominent In the lie following h had Now York pro uc Linus The Tho Ga Gay Mu I clan elan and Tho Shogun lie Ho W wae I with Harry In The Tho Man From Now and with Lulu Glaser In DollY Var Varden Varden den On Stano Only Seven Vear lie Ho haM beon on the lie stage m mears years ears and tunic hl lila dramatic up ap I I In Doll Dolly Verden although prIor to his adoption or of II a career ho sang in In and about Now New NewYork York city The Tho Now York Chicago and Boston Doston Who lio have praised 1011 Martin cl In light opera cx press s themselves confidently In their that lie ho will reach still greater heIghts In drama To have hae liar hor debut e ut uton on Ito tho with the emperor or of Ger In the tho audience itt at tho age aso of twelve to have played Nora Nom in A ADolis Dolls Dolis with Ih Ibsen en sit sitting tins ting In IL box lie tho perform alice anca at tho thio ago age of to have havo been leading vonian at al the age o of sixteen In such plays s us Judith and The of r St Sl John to have been recognized at a as or of Germanys gr great nt cst C Is tho or of Hed HedwIg wi wIg th lie famous Carmen ac actress actress tress tress who made bier hei debut recently asan as nn an En English speaking In iii Martha Mortons Of modern Russian life lIe On the tho EVe That is 18 fully capable or of an intelligIble In iii a tongue that lint foreign to 10 her bier three months two lays s before Ito rehearsals bo boan b gnu an admits or of no doubt eu ono one occasion Miss MIls 1 Espe In III six In iii order to give n a or of anI Gala Galatea tea nt at Munich where an Esperanto convention was wan held So was Mr Henry Henr D 13 with Miss Reichers performance iii Boston of Onlie On lie tho Evo Eo that lint Ito ho immedIately placed her under n a rem contract Al AI Although though only twentythree years ears or of age Ilse she sho occupies n a position In Germany an aJ aJan anan an second to none nono |