Show Ogden Evanston Meet On Diamond Toda T I FAST CONTEST BOOKED fOR LOCAL FIEL FIELD Lefty Manning Will Op- Op Oppose Op Oppose pose Russell In Pitch Pitch- Pitching Pitching Pitching ing Duel At Park Today's Toda's Lineup OGDEN OGDIN OGDEN EVANSTON EVANSTON- ragan es as Potts Pott Payne It If I 1 lb b bM M er cn cf cHardy 11 LanC 0 lb hardy l I ct cf Da Dab rt rf Starr rt rf Felt FeU lb If f Bro Bron Broan n Tr Brain In c Burt c cRussell Bu Burt 11 ss as Russell Ruesell p 1 l pO p baseball tans fais ta should be J be OGDIN O treated to a fast diamond con con- contest con can contest test at nt Lorin Farr Forr park this aft aft- aft afternoon when the snappy I aggregation tho the Ogden Gun Gun- Gunners Gunners ncr ners of at o tho the Ulan Idaho league The game came nih will bo bG called at 2 a 0 clock sharp It will alit be bo the first time In a number of ot tears ears that the tho clubs ot of the two cities ha hate hae ha e met on the dia dla- diamonds mona mond monds T Ta iwo c former lormer Ogden boys will ro m the thi battery today for the tho yamin aggregation Lefty Letty Man Man- Man III do rio the tho chucking for tor the whilo hilA George Goro Erwin will willbe willbe be on the In inc end Manning worked on the slab lab for Ogden Olden last season and twirled t n a a number of 01 goo good games game In Erwin In was as second string catcher on the team here when Dave Dav Day Dav b Dayenport Davenport v- v was the star Itar pitcher of at o the Ogden Ofden club I Layne third sacker tor for the club torm rl played for tor I Lea Le LeIston Iston Russell a will Ill do the flinging for tor forthe I th the local Aggregation Tho The Riser Riser- dale dale youth has hao he worked some good goodgames games gaines this season and 11 It giten ghen gOOd support should be ho able to hold the sluggIng Evanston club Lefty Lotty Wadman and BainbrIdge still be bo held eld In rc er e e by Manager 1 tc Tn Tailor Talor lor The Iho B P l 0 O Elks ot of o the Com Corn CommercIal Commercial mercial league will face the Globe Mill nine In the tho second game fame of the thi twin bill The Tio Elks dropped a close con con- contest con test to the Fhe Fie Points Point nine during the post week and Incidentally lost loet the leadership of the loop They h Kate e been holding hold ins fast workouts durIng th the week and will 11 be pre pre- pre prepared pared vred olred for a stiff contest toda I |