Show I 1 SEVEN DAYS BY yAs JESSIE IN Lii o oL 01 OL L NY N f BY BT JESSIE HENDERSON OX Special CoI Copyright 1924 by The Tho Th Consoli Conoll- Consolidated dated Press LW YORK July Well 19 H 19 those thoe of ot u us who It base hav e been ac- ac accustomed accustomed ac accustomed to wining and dinIng dinin- dinin In Inthe inthe the Japanese garden carden at the Ritz lutz hate ha been boen all worked up this ek like a mess mesa ot of home bre brew It seems seem the th federal dry ary agents a are planning to padlock the th Jap- Jap Japanese Jap Japanese anese garden and possibly the whole hole darn dam hotel because on- on un undoubtedly wicked drank siron strong liquors liquor thereIn It Is an unfortunate thing thine foru for Cor IL ii lot ot of people no doubt Bt the bright gleam In th the murky mury cloud Is the tho fact tact that thai so o f C w av ot of otus ofus otus us go so to 10 oUr drinks drink of ot any sort at the Ritz There arc are some things e coon een en more 0 than pro pro- pro not that toe w e are aro ar one who hates the lh wealthy or an n thing ot of that tort sort A long lone life lit m and aDd a amerry amerry merry ono One to 10 all 1111 millionaires Is our luotto At the th pro present pr ent moment the weather eather being what It is in and all o as o 0 are ar not holding a 0 brief for tor or against the th eighteenth amend amend- amendment ment Such buch people aj u R it Q Mer- Mer Merrick rick Mer-rick rick rich tho enforcement officer and Katherine Bement Davis the prison reform expert say soy that prohibition IS l tire lh wisest tiling thing that ever hit this On tIre other hand a o of our acquaintances sa say they hear heat dif dif- different terent dit-terent ferent Since ate w e h have he e friends on both bolh sIdes side It ill III behooves u us u to be beany any anything mOle moie than neutral But yul in IR any case this seems lIke hike u II good time to set let down some personal observations on how pro pro- pro Is working In New York Tori City And right here lets let's admit that It Is In n fact tact It works both ways For example vou OU go so Into a Broadway cafe where erst hUe the bright lI lights Hints grew gre even brighter as the night grew crew older You ou dra draw from your handbag II a p perfectly Innocent looking little bottle and having and ordered mm- mm min mineral eral water ater and cracked lou lee Ice pour a little littYe ot of the liquid front the bottle Into the th glass lar larDo Do iou OU get gt way ally pith i It A thousand times time no Up scurries a waiter ater Up the th proprietor Up scurries scurries-or scurries or u ILl near a scurry as they thy ever ver do the do the policeman Your glass gl's lass of ot mineral minerai water Is In seized and sipped You are com corn compelled compelled to take lake tak that thaI bottle botti front from your handbag and nd riVe give It into the cag r palm palm of the til law laos You are bout about to be arrested and escorted to the tb p patrol wagon waon which In imagination ou already heat heu clanging around the th cotner coner when when- E Even Een en the th cop after cop one oDe on sniff r recognizes the th fact that what iou ou say ay la in the th truth The Tb stuff stutt In the bottle really rally Is medicine for tor your indigestion So 80 that that Vou You can cant t ben Cn ven have hav Indigestion tion nowadays In Nw Now York with with- without without without out get getting ling a cop at your heels heel On the th other hand vou you go o Into a snug little I tea tearoom o In an un- un Unfashionable un fashionable treet The Tb place la is famous tor for Its II it food tood at al least leat Your escort drA draws strom from his pocket a bottle botti lIe H thinks think he places It on the table but the thing slips slip and lands land on the h floor with the tb most mot melancholy crash cra h In the world Instantly the th aroma of gl gin In fills till the th place Dot Doe Dots a cop como come running Every Evory one on turns turn round grins griD says san y too bad and the man at the th next table tabi re- re remarks remarks re remarks marks Here take tak some om ot of mine I Well Veil You ou attended tall tail end of the Democratic convention You interview a widely ly known poll poll- politicIan poll The Tb widely known knon poll poli politician is I having a highball and he not only otters otter you ou one on of the IheI th same am but also a quart ot of Scotch I to 10 take tako tak home horn What's What more mor at atI atthe the evening ee slon of the th conven conven- convention convention I tion that same sarno arn day you an anonymous delegate del at well w ll pu- pu pas with badges bad M and likewise likewise- ail u tha the good food old term lerm t rm well goes coe plastered lie He H reelS rel out after arter th the tumult and na the tho th shouting die diD dies It ItI Itha I has taken hIm hlin a loin loit while to tir tir from trem hie hi seat at to the tb exit lie H bursts burst forth from Irom the th doorway cheering exuberantly r 4 and be h pro pro- pro grosses sown down the th street tre t only be- be because b cau cause a a kindly municipal govern sovern- mont has haa ha placed a whole lot of convenient nt lamp letter box and aia tire fire alarm pot posts aloof along Ur Ulo way In the th court course ot of o his bla progress he men p passes es any number ot of police pollee- itten Inen Some Som of them he doesn't pass pan he h runs run Into them th ni and ind then removing his hat bat elaborately Do Docs Dees any ot of o the po- po po policemen lift a finger 10 to arrest said delegate No 00 by rhy not II no 0 will why bite bile why nolt not You go so Into a little rc restaurant laurant where here a man orders something In a little straw colored glass glan A policeman comes In to telephone and while phoning he be glances Clances O lr at the th little glass da with the colored liquor grins and and trim you ou go eo Into a ea eat eat- log Ing earIne place uptown and It If o mo one on linger fing-er In the direction ot of our hIp the tho th proprietor and seven wall wall- waller waller era er ru rush h to your table Don t they all aU or er r with sIgnifIcant glances toward the doorway where stands an officer I I There Is b a not so o eating place next nut dour door You ou have to 1 a card earll to rot get In It If you possess the card you ca can n get any sort of ot drink you want provided 1 I ou 00 have hav the th price lou Iou ou are witness to 10 an accident A man Is I hurt by bv a motor ear car cirA A crowd gathers fathers In the d dh ii h an Officer He H knees knee's kne bes bea be de dethe d the injured man s the poor gUY euy I And pulling from nis n a flask gives five the th man a drink Apparently not a drink of ot wat water r On the other had you have a sinking spell You stagger r Into a drug druc store Ilore lor You beg belr and plead and aud gasp ap for tor brandy Not ot with wIth- wIthout without out a prescription sa s the drug druggIst gIst I ISo So there Iou Sou ou are Or In other oth words where wh r are ar you I 00 00 |