Show DRUNKS NEED SAFE CROSSING CROSSIN Wit HalfWit Half Wit Motorists Look Neither to Right Nor Left Grade croo crossings ot of railway ILYs andl and highways must be b dim eUm- mated Immediate substantial re- re relief relle lief by the th separation of ot the th grades rade at such crossings Is Is however not notto notto no to be hoped for The time and money are so 80 o as to b be s almot almost prohibitive The elimination of extra hazardous crossings should of ot course proceed b by mutual operation co-operation of o the tho state Blate the tho th county the tho th municIpality and the th railroad as a rapidly as us fl- fl fi fl finances I nances will permit In the th mean mean- meantime m time Ume we w should do alt all we wo can to pre present ent the U melons II M loss of life and suffering that occurs occur at railroad During ther were wr 2268 fatalities and Injuries to p per per- persons r- r rona sons ona at crossings of th the rall and IlYS ay In the United States State Of these those accidents 85 tf per cent In- In Involved Involved In Involved the use us of motor vehicle S 8 per cent occurred to the occupants occupants occupant pants pant of other vehicles vehicle and t S per pereen percent percent een cent t to pedestrians Heedless thoughtless and drunken drivers are r albl reopen reopen- Ible cible for tor the th great treat majority of the occurring at grade crossing In coupon ons between au- au automobiles and trains train Th The Tho old proverb that lie ho h who ho hesitates Is lost doesn't apply to the th motorist on this side of o a a railroad cros- cros crosIng cross Ing The Th near nr side olde of ot a a railroad crossing Is 10 the th Ih safe side aid A mo- mo moment mo moment ment s hesitation tre means mn the difference between safety and death or serious Injury Th The heedless thou thoughtless r reck- reck lIe lees or drunken driver speeds on Ol Oliver over iver the Iron rail ralli without a look to the right or left lett but the th care care- careful ful Cui drier er hesitates and If It neiM ne B- B Beary sary eary ry stops tops to assure assur himself lt of o the safety of the th crossing before yen yen- venturing turing across the th train tracks la i-la H who hesitates at grade trad cross cross- crossings ings Is safe ufe |