Show I COMING EVENTS EVENTS I 1 4 Mrs Pearl Kirkendall and Mrs E Mark Murph will bo be b hostesses at a breakfast at twe Ine Country club on Wednesday nu In honor honorof honorof of Mrs F r W SIler ler of Chicago The Tho Misses Lorna Lorn and Loren Loreno daughters of Mr an and Mrs Warren I J Wattle Wattis have Issued tn- tn In Invitations for tor a dancing party to be begh beglen gh glen Tuesday at fhe Hermitage grove q Miss Mies Elizabeth or of grand of ot Mrs MrA t D II Peery Pe 1 v who is ts passing the th summer Bummer In Ogden will entertain at a dancing party on Friday ev- ev even evening ev evening en ening at the th Country Countr club Ogden Cho Chapter pter Service Star Leg Leg Leg-i Legion 10 ion will III hold their regular social meeting Monday evening at the th home hOIDe of ot Mr l Kenneth Jones 1161 1151 first street All members are SF Invited to attend A special musical program will be given The committee In charge ta la l composed of Mrs Mr Kenneth Jones Mrs Mol Mol- Mol Mol-le lie tle Lightner Mrs loin Mr Charl Charles s J John Joha- ohn- ohn f aloof slon Mrs Fred ClarK and Mrs Kathryn Pt Pearson on The Tho Martha Mirtha society and th Martha Marth Junior society will give picnic for tor the tha children of ot the Marth th hi at nt tho the Kirkendall In iii the canyon on Monday fonda afternoon afternoon noon A committee from each society clety will 1110 bo be in charge ir Miss Mi s Georgia 1 lute Late lIe will III be bo hos- hos ho toss teas telO at i a dancing party p to be he given at al The Thc Inn Ina on Tuesday Tue Jyly JI 29 |