Show t like h t mention u n nn nong no oher her things 1 Said Gasoline Isaac Iliac th the care of the tho springs s find that car owners of f every station d Ignore the tho th importance of spring pring lubrication ONE SWALLOW Doe not mae mak a n summer lummer and dry leaves do not make mike a a very good spring erIng The rhe Th leav s should be spread part apart and nd gen sen ly with graphIte 11 ery now no and nd then Th The Job Is I dona r most mOlt ely In a fIrst tint clam clau CArace ga rage SILVERTOWN TOWN CORD COHO TIRES Robinson Mack Mack Garage Z 2440 O Grant Hudson HU I I 1 J W NICKSON rr Prop S Phone Ph n 64 34 US USED D CAR CAK BROKERS 14 Vea of f 24 Se PRICE REDUCTION on The ilic Long Lony Life LICo Batter Battery L Exibe STATION ATIO b CHAS CRAS W 1 ISERSON Prop l un Hudson Hullon Ave Phone Ask Aak k Cr for or Price L I Total of o autos In Canada YoU was as tS 4 i 4 mobile Clutch Release Bearin This Bearing This is an annular ball bearin bearing of chrome nickel the steel mate mate- material material rial used in all bear bear- Ir taper and annular t pe It is encased in a dust dust- proof housing and provided with witha a grease alve for pres- pres pressure pressure sure lubrication in addition to i self lubrication from the trans trans- transmission mission drilled hole t through a in the clutch gear shaft Look at a Car From the Inside I Heretofore It has been almost To that end we show in our ourI I impossible to consider a motor salesroom a Parts Display which I Icar car that way now reveals at a glance lance what good enables you to do so construction is contrasted with ordinary practice Learn what enables the Hup- Hup mobile to stand up so long at Come in and see and it-and you phenomenally low costs and will then be sure to buy you Ou will know what to demand your next car with with- your eyes in any motor car wide open I NAISBITT MOTOR COMPANY Street Phone I I I Walter Po P Chrysler Says Amono g Fours In the four cylinder our field the good Maxwell it 15 is now duplicating the revolutionary results which the Chrysler Six has already registered among the sixes That in brief is the story of the recent devel development devel- devel developments which in my opinion now stamp tho rho thoMa Ma well wella a most remarkable car These new results are so 50 vital and so valuable 1 that they put the good Maxwell far beyond your previous conception of four cylinder four possibilities Have Have you ever driven a four cylinder car in I which the last noticeable trace of vIbration is gone gone Well that's what you'll find in the good Maxwell of today with its it floating platform a spring pring suspension of the motor I dont don't know that you can appreciate how much this means in new steering handling and riding ease and far longer life unless you experience it in the good Maxwell Maxell yourself As you go along you will vill find the riding the way you thought only far heavier cars could ride and displaying a nimbleness that makes tOti ou wonder why anyone wants more than Maxwell gives the Good GoodNow Now turn to the other side costs side costs and upkeep e reduced the theM and so on which are arc materially by a M unusually high proportion of costly alloy steels M W You may not know that Maxwell owners 24 miles gallon of averaging per are now flow 5 1195 Club Coap 1021 1015 Sport on Tourin 1 1055 Club Seda d 1095 easo gasoline I Ine 85 65 IS fJ Sd 1325 An 0 II 5 mm L i-L let ink H HAll There are a dozen other things I could teU but do know of four that about you any All Jf ee re I In ili n M te Maxwell in these respects matches to nJ the he cm 1 lone lime up l K Ak bot abou M M II a la n TAYLOR STODDARD-TAYLOR STODDARD MOTOR M CO Jr I Ch Chinn inn X MAXWELL MOTOR SALES t 2536 Washington Ave Phone D Detroit c The Chart ChI art Shows How Willys-Knights Willys beat C Valves 70 1 fY fYr r 7 e Y f o 7 2 tV ae 1 0 f J Q II IIII II 1 II og SO 10 Q 0 1100 Z tL REVOLUTIONS per In tests by bi the famous KnItht Willys wm I valve engine baa hai h run away ham from ordinary engines In ID power tn flexibility and quietness See Sw by the tha thaI I chart how bow a led Jed Jedan ed edan an equa equal I e use ze valve viv ax at aU all engine gaining i-gaining fining I from om 2 to 23 horse hone power I IThe I The Knight Willy-Knight not only ives you feu more Bore power but Its volve I engine growl grow powerful poo quieter m Improves woe r eu with will usel sue I WILLYS K NIGHT IGHT I isai I Browning Auto Co 2450 Grant Avenue Phone 2281 |