Show y Is Your Blood Starving For Want of Iron Modern Modem Method Methods of Cooking Coolant and Liying Have H TC Made an Alarming Increase in Iron Deficiency in inthe inthe the Blood of American Men and Women I k t J I l Helps Helpa Build Up ou ous ut RunDown Fall lr 1 fj It to t Their z o Strength P Power wr En ED Eal iJ ergy 7 aDd nd J Is Ja your yr blood blod Io t t for fo r want wint of Iron iro ir n 11 li Tu you 0 were to 10 t go s without until TU weak J thin a n Jo could cowd cul not io t do a more land kind landof kin of win harm karm f to Jour lf thai than when let man yu oi yr s L kl J i stu tt rv ve for r are r you ou I want ant ot of t iron iron-iron lr that a It t and an diange I rn food Into living tue ue 4 M method of 01 ftc cooing and the tho t raPId pace paco lit at which people of 01 Ib thui country Count Count- live bye has hu h made s e ouch lu uc an alarm Ii Ill alarm in Iron in deficiency Y Ix In the i blood 1 of American torn men n n and women that t there il is a ur n num o r t p I l who iona La lack Inn kon oa la In the t blood and n who wh ne never cv r ui tite their r nerT 4 run run-dw n toI Lack of iron in b the blood has baa ruined man many a aman man a nen nernes and n U utterly I tabbed kr hire ot that lie til-lie ts force TC r rU and nj which are re so soto to eues ur and andr power 10 i n every ery walk wilk ol 01 I lift Which The Ibe beat thing for T those tk who feci eel the tt liui l nd 0 of need of o a th and blood b dr I is to 10 fO 1 r roo-N roo c t a J 53 Iron or S J w you f for don organic t want Jure the I to ili in 0 to th this W en only t teeth th nor the It It I Iron uon In 10 and Ri which and which lamada mad that thu name ame ted U Jo i merel merey by the action ol of acula on I on the RON IRON of often leD Is the ll small is of ron bod and mental of weak tired I SSp TED 00 every ad a 0 and the nervous In two weeks time letter N I Ion 1 oat 86 at It In d you the tho wih Iron hott 2 leo In O OIt tL It a will end t blood not apples md Dd W l re iki on or r cn the tho in IF 11 yoi do be O ut not refunded a aU on every by r the 1 TO Your s monc r re ft f fr foat r r rI 1 I 1 I Ican can be ee Eczema WIERD W creepIng annoyIng son seD atlon scratch scratch scratch- scratch 1 eczema cratch cratch eczema and nd other skIn ikin eruptions spoiling your complexion causing you uncalled for embar mbar I anguish ruling your temper All because of impurities 1 that t aro ro rampant In your system system- system because sour 3 our red blood cells cella cell are dormant S S S clears up tip akin skin eruptions through Its lt power o ot of cleansing the th blood Herbs and barks bark car tully selected and scIentIfically prepared and nd proportioned which make mak up the Ingredients Ingredient In S S S are ar the most feared and dreaded enemies of skin disorders Eczema pimples boils bons blackheads and other oth r skin diseases pack up and lea Iea e the thi tern tem tern lys-tern when S S 5 S sends new n w rich blood coursIng through your veins Hav Havo a genera general house cleanIng for tor your system Let S S S rid you of those tho o impurities which tend to keep you In a run-down run condi condl condition tion Skin disorders are aro nothing more than billboards announcing that tho the system Is la off oW color colorS I S S S Is sold by the leading dru drug g stores The Th large larr size M c bottle Is th tho more mor econom i rah cal cal I S S pIS Worlds Best nl Pine Fine for Skin Exposed I to Sun or Flying Dirt Thee Thel day doy day the th fa fare faie e need needs Special r i cro cire and alt attention nUon Flying l dust dult UK and dirt the th beating sun eun un are vern on nany any Their despoiling a are beat t rc mc by the ur r n of 1 pure I ax Thia kepIS keep i and p pores por rn In IL a cleanly jr jrr y whit w condition r l and spot the Ie Redd oed tanned freckled or ec cuticle l IM lii fB actually rI O 1 by IL u One OD ounce o ol of r wax o obtainable at BOY any R y drug n r tore Store fre la Ii 1 dent to 10 completely renovate a L complexion it la 1 u ri like Ilk cold cream allowed to 10 on n or oer lIKht and nd n bed oft ocr t In la the tir morning moi m Tn iH I 35 YEARS UNDER ONE CONTINUOUS r EVERY THREE MONTHS this institution compounds the in- in interest interest terest paid you upon your savings I here This interest together wIth regular deposits will soon create for you a substantial reserve fund profitably invested available at your pleasure and not subject to market fluctuations One dollar will open a Savings Ac- Ac Resources over OGDEN I STATE BANK BANKI BANKA I A Ij j Of INTEREST CO COMPOUNDED A f 4 t 0 QUARTERLY ON SAVINGS 0 I I I S Sno no tL COM I IS 5 S J I 5 0 All pumps and nd other measuring L equipment are tested dally daily to assure full till quantity measure at Con Con- II service stations s Full meltS meltS- ure uce of quality and service are assured II by gasoline and motor oils of ree- ree reel recognized 0 l superiority and attendants I 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