Show HYRUM HYROM STOYIE STOWE DEAD AGED 7 79 10 Resided Continuously In Ogden Since Since ince 1849 Active Pioneer Hyrum Stow Stowe 79 7 years vear ers ot of f age acea a resident of Ogden since fine 1849 died at 8 I 30 10 o'clock Saturday eve eve- evening nine ve-nine ning of ot general debility at the homo home of ot his Mrs J W Butcher 40 Seventh Street treet Born In Indiana Ib leb 17 1845 the tho son on of o James Janies and Burton StO Stow tho th pioneer r Ogden citizen came cam to Utah lItah In tn 1849 1141 with his parents parent and through his hi life 11 isis vias actively associated with l the thede de of the tho th county For many year eau he h wa was as associated with Bishop Chauncey Vest With his father he h established the th first t limo kiln In th the county and was active In bUIlding a road through If Ogden Ogdon canyon and In Ta Ta- Ta Tar IoN r canyon c Luy n DS DB H Ho was a member of f the tho L L D S B i church Mr Stow Stow leaves tho th the following children Mrs Mary L 1 Smith of oLo Los Angeles Mrs Hrs J W V Butcher Byrum 1 U II Stow Stowe and William Stow ot of o Ogden Ocd n 20 grandchildren and n five lv great also alo one brother Georg George Sto Stoof Stow of Hunts The body was removed to the Larkin 6 d Sons an |