Show I II I- I LONG SUEDE GLOV GLOVES Every sale must be final f and for Cash E SOLD OUT unheard About sizes Inn In 12 2 of oC ladles gloves ladles value who may 24 vear obtain Inch small long s an It pays to t 0 pay C as h a emporIum Emporium E suede eS gloves of quality in o only light 1 Ve and 6 5 G Gloves 1 Ionly coves S Silks I elk S W V a 00 olens I en S I enI W ht C E K V T Wright rl ht CORSETS FOR Odd Odds s an and Ends s se I e 9 au fIg ell g gE Ize to 24 only Another lot of oC short One lot 10 silk o gloves in white long black and Cotton often FabrIcs a r corsets in fair style and of y mer wear E high small f selling price you may It P you ob to and m odd colors Values Ore U Under d the Name Warne o of lain e unheard n of Burts reputation tion in this department was 0 r e n e r WhIte Suede firmly established Quality fabrics not to be ONE LOT OF White suede h fabric gloves loves found elsewhere were usually found at BELTS In Fownes quality AU All sizes Burts The entire stock will be sacrificed BELTS Belts Delts gal sabre re Belts Delts of all kinds Slightly style tiC y e soiled but good 49 and cleaned up to make m a k e room for f or new merand mer- mer merand and styles We bought them them's chandise Everything on sale mighty cheap and here they are passed on to you Use Uso them on KIds childrens children's coats coah and dresses All Silk Foulards Wash Taffetas and Leather clout cloth and 15 C One gloves to 10 some of odds suede and ends Ish among of kid All silk foulards In a big variety Tub SIlks them Mostly small sizes of patterns Bright clean stock and odd colors tolon 39 C that has been selling for 3 50 Right now are wash silks In big AmerIcan Corsets Lady lot per yard yard BId The entire 1 98 dresses demand These lot for the are cool regular tub 2 silk 50 Odd Lot The values e Good patterns Without With ou t reserva reservation tl on our en entire tl re F Figured I ure d Silk I Istock Here Is odd lot of silk and g B Be S Sold Id R dl stock will be of oC closed American out LadY The stock corsets Is fabric gloves an In aU all colors colon and Foulards Light l 0 Regardless ess new and clean styles are the styles It If you wear any of e egar latest All styles both front and Here are some 2 50 values In black Ok 1 PRICE bargains them I they are 1 c plaids we want and to figured move designs right that out Light f 1 colored Just and the slightly thing soiled for Here are values you ou doll clothes etc You may have havo Japanese Parasols Lo Long Silk will appreciate Yard 1 49 for what yard you want of them 25 C d b sold Id These are the large heavily I yb oil Regu Regular 2 long silk gloves Crepe De Chine h t must ed rib 40 rl parasols a I that have been ChallIes ight an e so selling for Cor 1 95 They will shed In fo black white and some Wool rain All able colors Fair colors the 98 C range 1 29 All silk figured crepe de throe chine and Mohair Ideal for making the Here the thrifty housewife will popular that are being find some good values Odds t a 37 Morning ii i 11 g Read Y Wear to t tT T e 6 morn G Good patterns so Khaki Sport extensively Yard Silks Kool and Yard and Fancy ends figured of Wool mohair plain wool Voiles l kY Th These beautiful silks It are ideal Mo Pl Plain M and fancy woo wool volles It that S for dresses s skirts rt rte blouses us e etc sold formerly up to per perV 1 1 k for all outdoor d wear e We are yard C for plain la home s saw 0 J C O OC C at t d Of sacrificing them them at Ing where ere q quality y Is deWe de V Y r the low price 2 49 sired sred Y BId deC 49 C 1 We believe that in this department our appeal is to the Fantasy Sport Fancy Batiste n 9 t h he e e n t i ir r e stoc s t o ek eko k o 0 f thrift thrifty housewife who appreciates s the quality of the emer- emer mer- mer Silks For Underwear chandise and can see the possIbIlIty of remakIng the You will have to come early for Fancy batiste and crepe suit garmen t C orne in In I look 00 k aroun around d an d see garmen garments t of f these Bought to retail up to 12 This able for Cor lot making Includes underwear values etc to SOper up ard rd There is 19 good assort 1 art rt Bros B ros C Co 0 WJ Jl 1 b e 0 f ft surprising quality ty and very low Prices meat ment patterns per y yo ot o colors yard anda and a 4 95 want per at three y ard for All you YO 1 0 00 hing jn n the store without SUITS Go at 5 New Sport Silks Chiffon Taffetas l Here are some silks that arrived Full It range of f street and evening suits in group from which to make a selection Some let for fete seMons seMon's selling They shades In 36 Inch chiffon taC t to retell retail to 5 fete Ceta Fine quality f Cor were bought up on sp s p e e C J 1 a 1 sa sale J e Pure Linen Crash of them In in rIght good style for today's wear Others In in yard per yard Till gone 9 these up We at shall all clean c sing 1 89 9 different the group would have to be made over but the quality is s One lot of oC qualities d h 12 hOne h 16 da and r 20 inches ed Some rp out of the ordinary I In the skirts alone is material worth Printed Crepe De S 'S 7 s e C ar r J 1 e J 1 9 and others with red border Val Fancy r rues more than the sale price In the lot are former values ues Yard StockYard dt to prIce Chines New Stock to 75 5 qan ands d s e SO s o th this JS JS s Scotch Ii Z Regular ass o 5 ol of values patterns In a a Ideal good ed Clean Imported pew new erred stock ratings of fancy that check were S t I CO c Zephyr ep for the cool summer dresses boUght to retail up to per One lot of fine Scotch zephyr 1 00 SUITS SUITS Bargains B 1 0 that are To clean so popular this sea yard Big assortment fino son ot of patterns p to b buy uy G A OD ODOne gingham 3 Inches wide You up 1 95 may have all OU want at The suits in this in mighty good style The fab fab- fabA this price group are in New Tissue A vies are wonderful and here again the thrifty housewife Baronette Satin Issue tl g P W 1 l le e J n t en e n d Cheviot or the woman who appreciates real quality of materials The genuine Imported Fren French h hIng Ginghams Ing ams will find some interesting garments We expect this baronette satin In a number of Bright new clean stock of im- im One lot of plain and striped chI che good plain colors gray blue ported gingham in a bIg re S stoC t oc k t o 0 ma k kOne ke e vlot shirts shirting or ploy play clothes Ideal for or Buy work all group to clean g u p in i n a day y or two 10 ing tan price etc Former was ws 3 60 50 sell sell- 1 95 yard a assortment Is worth of oC patterns to 3 Every 9 you OU want at six yards ards 1 00 h today anywhere Yard Yara C II i let for BONCEL 0 N C E L L KNIT SUITS Heat S Satin f Imperial 11 an d 1 f f These finest quality Knit Suits are of to- to Petticoats m for In French Crepe Fi F red d 0 d Organdie Ie this Values days day's style They are bought for I These were wen bought to retail Th I I Is s Won d er C u I sa satin tI n nS s qua realty y I f S h ou Jd twin turn t tills h J S Imported fair assortment figured of o organdies colors In fm fm- A season seasons season's s sellIng to retaIl up to at 2 60 Made very toll full and and anThis d was bought to retell retail at 3 3 This Imported French crepe la Is t Just a small smail number of oC colors Ideal for aprons house dresses est cst quality fabric Note Ideal for outings and andall all SPort wear We Ion long Each skirt would make 1 3 this very low p price rice 69 C suggest this offering is out of the or- or two for children You YO may easy yard To clean up the lot 1 49 Bought and summer to retail dresses at of oC all kinds E th have them days tl very Embroidered Pillow dmary l 10 for tor 40 Inch Crepe selection see J C t Jon Pen p J 1 en t Y 3 All bud bred for Cases gifts Fine em em- Bright Crepe new stock Kimonos of fancy All khaki wear KnicKers has bas been ro re Odds Voile and Waists ends of waists of Plain colors De Chines A full range of all New These Imported French are In pillow cases standard crepe kimonos All These knickers are arc all Old fashioned ot of the most desirable shades In solid colors pith Ith silk thread sizes Regular 2 2 set Cheaper colors and kinds Regular new stock but everything shirt waists collars and an excellent quality Cre cp Are fine fino bolt bOtt quail now Pair than ordInary cases 98 C summer 75 and values Cool sacrifice must go so Excel here again we e cuffs curts fly fabrics Waists Could of finest be chine to Format Formel roll t 1 1 49 and sold Yard formerly for v weight eight 1 95 lent quality 1 95 made 0 oser cr 25 C I I Just to Hope get acquainted Bleach Brand Drand WINTER INTER R COATS Boudoir Caps Pillow Pillory Cases CasesA new blea b clean Fine oine stock sort sett genuine quality Limit Hope There are about 50 Winter Vinter Coats that we want to clean up Another Lave have been Mt lot selling of boudoIr up caps to that pure Cable white pillow cases blenched bleached quality Floe J A S Statement t a t e m e n t of oC tomer 10 yards Two yards to the for tor cus cus- 25 C Th They ey are 0 of f the th e finest fi nest quality qua I f fabrics a b and d a goo goodly dl y por portion ti on Silk Silk Choice and and lace 89 C No Nola Three la lador loading for dor 1 00 in good wearable styles The fabrIcs alone are worth There have been rumors to the effect that this new yen ven- venO vene O One e Lot ot of f Hat more than this price pet per yard 5 Infants Infant's Bonnets Bonnets Neckwear TIes ture turc IS but another store belongIng to the W H Wright Trimmings Velvet bonnets for or babies Well One lot of neckwear ties etc 1 l I Sons Co kinds of oC trimmings feathers for Cor fruit Cruit bats etc All voile VOlle Dresses LInen Coats wm Will Willand made dean clean and up ot p nicely tine fine quam Choice Cholte 9 C Soiled etc some Each flea tiel for men c W We take tak t this his e e of opportunity making SpeCific denial of but They are of oC hll little value but you l lese ese rumors and further stating s Without qualification of can use them at 5 COME early and find in this lot some real values Odds tre y kind that bloc W x H Wright each C Sons Co has hasis in no I 1 terest tor est wh whatsoever either financial t or othe otherwise er is in the Cd an and d ends en d SOW of f white ht I e V Voile 01 I e Dresses D se selling II mg f formerly ormer I yO t to 25 2500 00 T f WO L Lots 0 t S 0 of f Lace L ace j Emporium operated by the Wright Volker-Wright Volker Wright Co Turkish Towels Towel Linen Coats for dusters et eta Truly some real possibilities Signed HENRY VOLKER One lot of oC good weight eight tUI fox for remaking in this lot N ec e k wear 1 Oc 0 c an and d 1 5 c PAUL L WRIGHT WEIGHT ly towels Some era are slight slight- I c E WRIGHT Iy Quality soil soiled salted Regular 19 C WO WOOL OL DRESSES a at t 2 9 5 We put went out in right 1 0 two through different the lots stock Lace and n d leck- leck Neck Neck- h have ave aveI Oil Cloth Another sacrifice lot Wool Dresses of finest serge wear of all kinds Some Some of It practically Bags Baes and Purses Garters Standard quality oil cloth Not r a atwill twill etc In the lot are some Betty Wales Dresses and new stock All of It may be of some use lse an Here and purses puree Is ano another that a tr f should R group ou of be e bal bags so sold u Iq 11 dead some lomo but instances most of oC the elastic Is bIg but some lome try sexy dealt dealt- others that sold formerly J Up to At this unheard of to the thrIfty housekeeper Come pIck able right ht out for the p price ceI good c co them are In patterns To clean up sip this out tomorrow them over lOe and an d 15 c AU lot price the entire should have It fo you yon very 1 exceptional ec p ages Slot C three yards may for 1 00 price group go i L J rt a |