Show MANNINGS MANNING'S PUPILS WILL SING TODAY Some Som of the th pupils of W tV H Manning who leaves the early part of August to take tak charge chare of the music department of the tho th Branch Agricultural college at Cedar City will Ill furnish the special music numbers at the th conference co of o the Weber stake today In the tabet- tabet naci nacle The Tho following numbers will willbe willbe be ba sung une Teach Teach Me to Pray Karl Win Win- Winsor Win Win-sor sor Quartet Quarter for You Male Mal terIn tet ter In In Natho Worth HaYdn James Linsey Trio Lift Thine Thin Eyes Eves E es Men Men- Mendelssohn Mendelssohn Duet He Shill Shell reed His Flock Hand I Myra Wright Lillian Eastman IIo Ho He Was Vas Despised Handel Viola Banford Remember Me 0 Lord Edna Idna Cragun |