Show DEMOCRATIC DEBT PAID OFF General Headquarters to toBe toBe toBe Be In Washington Says Shaver WASHINGTON Jul Jull IS 19 1 Gen General General Gen General eral headquarters h of the th Demo Demo- Democratic Democratic emo- emo cratic national committee dl ring the presidential campaign will wll bo be boI maintained here with TV Ith other head head- headquarters headquarters I quarters c at New eW lork and Chicago and regional head bead headquarters headquarters quarters set up In as many as tour four other other cities In different sections section of othe the it was all a stated today by Clem Clem 1 L Shaver Sha er campaign manager for John W IV Davis Dais and ond acting chairman of the thc Democratic on- on na national committee Designation of Mr 11 Shaver as committee chairman b Mr Dais Dals was followed today by the resignation resignation nation nallon of rdell Hull as national chall man and the th announcement that Mr Shaver Mould servo as acting chairman until formally elected chairman at the tho n next fleet t meet lug Ing of ot the tho national committee at Clarksburg W V Va August 11 In connection with the th notification ot of Mr Davis Datis Il Ilis is of hIs hi nomination n for forthe forthe the tho presidency In turning 0 over oer er the office to lO Mr ht er announcement was as made bY bV Mr Hull who became national chairman after atter the 1920 campaign that the organization as w as a free from all debt and was ready rendy to function function tion lion In each essential line Hoe from this diy y forward Not Nol only has the debt been bv by the pa- pa pa ment ment of some of old 01 1 obligations obligations obligations he added but there Is Q a balance of several thousand del dol- dollars dellara dol dollars lars lara on hand |