Show On Board Yacht For Week-end Week Politics No Ko Bar to Friend Friend- Friendships Friendships Friendships ships of Washington Society BT nv JUAV Jut IS pedal Cla Cor Corn t of or Stand bland ard ard- ard I ard-I Copyright 1924 1 4 bv by b The Th Con Con- Con Press Association WASHINGTON July Jul 19 The 19 1 The presidents president's yacht acht Tho The Ma Mayflower lower Is coming In good stead these da days dayot s sot ot of mourning at the lh White Whito House Houe I ts commodious staterooms and sa- sa saloons saloons loons a-loons loons and Its wide Ido decks are ale still rigged up In the th Jolly bright chintzes and the gor gor- gor or-crous or grous foliage cretonnes cretonne 1 Mrs Mra Warren II personally for its It summer time outfitting out- out fitting Although the th President and nd Mrs Coolidge both by birth and up upbringing up- up upbringing upbringing bringing are r mountaineers they are very vry fond of o the water and Ute tho pro cr craft t affords altol ds a II acl- acl como come escape from pressing cares c rc and saddening memories The first excursion lon outside the th ol ot the tho White House grounds essayed by the th Coolidge ti last lut August Immediately after arter their establishment t was as made mado aboard the Mayflower Mai flower In company compan with ltha witha ltha a It little grou group I of ot friends Immediately after arter the th return return from m the sad journey to Plymouth Vermont Yermont the family augmented by Colonel John Coolidge the pres pres- presIdent's pres- pres president's president's ident's father fallier boarded the May May- Mayflower May Mayflower flower for tor a week end trip Col- Col Colonel Colonel Col Colonel onel Coolidge by the th way nay ha has hag just completed his tint first visit to the white House Houe On both occasions on board the tho yacht acht were Mr and Mrs Frank W Stearns Steams of ot Boston Booton time time long friends of ot the presidential presidential lIal family Mrs Ire S earns Is keeping sery Cr close to the tho first lad these days da dav I I and another friend who ho haq has been In her personal alten dons Is Mrs Arthur Capper ot of Kansas POLITICS M J Jn AO n n ll This friendship with the wife Mite ICe of one of the tir leaders in the senatorial farm fal m bloc holds over very sery ery hap hap- happily happily hap happily from from Crom Mrs Airs Coolidge's early earb earl as- as as associations as president of ot the Sen- Sen Senate Senate Sen Senate ate Ladles club an en organization which In the tho most Informal man man- manner manner manner ner possible brings Into comrade comrade- comradeship comradeship t ship the entire roste of the th sena sena- senatorial senatorial senatorial women without regard to party affiliations En Ln passant Mrs stearns Steams and Mrs Clipper Capper have hale in their turn andI hit I I It oft off amazingly sell ell Mrs Stearns who to left this week celt for tor a short trip to Boston Roston prior to an immediate return to the White Hou-e Hou was as accompanied on th the by Mrs Capper Cappel who ho Is due du to spend some somo time tim at Magnolia Mass while Senator Capper 18 1 I I busy buoy on the tho Hustings in the old home state Literally it does docs seem that Mad Mad- Madtson Madison Madison ison Square Suar Gardens Garden's Gai dens den's voluble population upon disbanding sub sub- subsequent subsequent sub subsequent sequent to the tho th naming amin of ot the Dem Dem- Democratic Democratic Democratic I standard bearer simply pI horo hore down upon Washington en cn bloc They arc are still sUII hovering about In all Important quarters One On of the tho rm rn m t t dIstInguished In this group I Is Gene lc Champ Thompson Thompson lark only ot of the thC late tats Champ Clark war time wai speaker of the house hour and himself a contender In a convention no noless Ir justI less I ss excIting than the one just I ended Mr Mrs Thompson or Genevieve as she Is known to t hundreds ar- ar arI ar I h cd hero here In her old home town looking not only very pretty retty but perfectly clat elate Sh See SlIe w Ir-w II nearing caring avery a asery sery ery becoming tra traveling outfit In pearly gray fray silk sUk moire moir with a bor- bor bory der bor der in blue silk One of ot those thoe a tall tall- tall ore ored ord one piece dresses with a 0 cape rap a rap to match the th upper section to Is side-draped side to the tir hip where here It I Is caught with a some three of fancy Cancy smoked pearl buttons Her mall Her mall fitting close hat of gray stra straw hid had an upturned brim raced faced with Ith French blue which brought out the th color of ot Gl Gene Gene- Genevieve Gene e- e evie vieve vie e eyes es They do say that Genevieve Une le and Brother Bennett ton on hand It with alth It the Missouri n dele drle- did some sorn thrilling team teamwork ork on behalf of Mr Davis Thereby hangs banEs hang a 0 tale tal or two ot of bIg politics past put and future of soaring ambitions ambition which bit the dust dual JamesM John W Davis and James M huband Thompson Genevieve's hue hus- Ivy band no a publisher or of New Or- Or 1 leans both bolh hall from West Vest Vir Virginia ginia lenher As u a 0 little Girl Gene Genei Genevieve Genelen len her 1 bola life lit rooted d and ground ground- grounded ed 1 In national politics knew J John Johnw w Davie representative in con con- congress con congress I gress Indeed from Rest Virginia as os In- In In deed d she knew personally every ery member in the tho con I con con- con lre ns Immediately preceding the th thereat great war Var flubbed with genial Tile The Tir Daughter I r of She tir House H u the th men wen nen who paid her a young girl girls girl's i homage homaC Joined In sending out ut to f Honey Shuck the dark Clark home home- nd at BolIng Bo Green Oreen Gr en Mo 10 upon the occasion of her marriage a perfectly splendid Id neck lace lac ot of perfectly splendid necklace ot o f gift worthy ct ot the th Csire Congre Ot o E the he othe United State tit at The Tir TheDaugh D ter ot of f the til lb House H ut It Lau has ben been trans trans- tra formed transformed t s-t nned Into Isto a pretty keen k a politic politic- p o politico h ire n on her h r own w account |