Show russian soldiers in japan are for liberty washington nov 11 tho following cablegram was received here today from kobe japan by a member of the local russian revolutionary committee enthusiastic reception to revolutionary officers by the revolutionary soldiers at Ha madera and detention camps rod banners bearing allegiance land and liberty live liberty russian sung the explanation ot this cablegram given by the local committee here li that a remarkable phase 0 the revo has been accomplished under conditions never before paralleled in 1901 dr nicholas russela a russian by birth but a resident of hawaii was president of iha first territorial senate coming to america he became deeply interested in propagating socialistic reform ideas he finally was supplied with adequate funds and a great mass ot socialistic literature by the american friends of russia of which charles W folk and julia ward hove are respectively president and vice president by the committee of the revolutionist socialist party of new york a branch of the famous russian organization and by other societies upon the fall 0 fort arthur dr russell was sent to japan to spread among the russian captives the ideas of his party according to members of the local society he has succeeded beyond all expectations aa ii shown by the tact that he has organized under the banner of socialism nearly all of the thousands of russian soldiers taken prisoners by japan during the last war who are now in detention camps in japan awaiting transportation por tation to their homes it is of course inferred that the japanese government must have sanctioned yesterdays demonstration else it could not have occurred |