Show enterprise BANK FAILURE t it Is said will total over PUp buie v 4 was yesterday made to state treasurer W I 1 mathews by the equitable trust the trust company compan com pah bom 0 city and the U S fidelity and guaranty company oc baltimore ti more pt the proportionate share agreed upon by them 0 o bond ol 01 ha cotoni ot pennsylvania or tho national bank 0 alle abeny as a state depository these payments totaled the total amount represents the greatest apos sible sum for which the company bould bo held liable as equal bondsmen judge oldham legal adviser of comptroller ot currency bald ial um the shoria yc in he v prise national bank will bo greater than new liabilities are being discovered in the course of the investigation vesti gation and no one can say when tho last debtor that banK contracted by the cashier shall have been discovered very littly of the missing money or securities has been received said judge oldham you may say for me he continued that from what has been revealed in the not a suspicion ot blame attaches to the directors of the institution |