Show GOULD WILL BUILD TO NORTH BIG STIR IN RAILROAD CIRCLES jwj AFTERNOON attorney aillon of rio grande competing a dal of great importance f proto fridays standard there was quite astir a stir in railroad circles after the arrival of the noon trains attorney ed allison of the rio grande and a number of strangers landed in the city and immediately proceeded to the eccles building where a conference has beon on all afternoon there are many rumors afloat and one is to tho effect that the western pacific people have just closed a number of real estate deals in ogden which are the first steps in the obtaining of large terminal facilities in this city and that soon there will be a move made to build from ogden to the northwest great blocks of land are said to have been from twenty first to twenty fourth streets and as pointed out some days ago in this paper the could not have been for tho mere purpose of securing to accommodate shippers as railroads do not pursue such a policy one deal alone amounting to is known to have been in the interest of the gould people mr presence in the city is looked upon as evidence that the real estate deals have been consummated and the gould people are now ready to disclose their plans in the nature of another big coup in railroad maneuvering for the trade of the expanding west this afternoon mr gilson agent of the rio grand wae seen in regard to the story that the gould interests were terminal facilities in the city and he denied all knowledge of the plans of the company |