Show all political prisoners are granted amnesty and even those sentenced for life are within reach of freedom st petersburg NOT 4 the text of the imperial manifesto granting amnesty to political prisoners signed by epperon Epp eror alch olas yesterday declares that by virtue of the intention expressed in the manifesto of october 30 0 accord the population inviolable principles of civil liberty free pardon Is granted to political criminals of various categories which are enumerated and also to participatory participators in strikes and those responsible for breaking contracts the pardon extends to those now la prison and to ahoe not yet tried or on whom sentence banot yet been pronounced convicted 0 crimes commit bcd over t cn years aga aro to bo released ami will be sent to the siber tan alio ara now colonists there willbe allowed after four years to choose their place of residence but are prohibited from living n the capitals st petersburg and moscow for three years convicts not balun falun under thase categories havo heir sentences reduced by one halt and persons condemned to imprisonment for life have their sentences reduced to fifteen years imprisonment pardon extends to all prisoners who benefited by previous manifestos mani festos per by imperial or admonis i are released 0 dem nedo death arc to have the pena tp fifteen ears imvris labor the amnesty decree includes political offenses cs committed up to october ath |