Show METHODIST WOMEN pledge themselves to give money to missionary cause new york nov 3 having pledged itsell to raise the coming year the executive committee 0 the wom ans missionary society 01 tho episcopal church brought its annual session to a close yesterday with a service of song and prayer it was a stirring moment when late in the afternoon the secretary 0 one branch after another arose and announced what her branch would give the figures barring some thank offer inga were as follows new england new york philadelphia baltimore cincinnati northwestern des minneapolis topeka pacific columbia river one thousand dollars had already been placed to the new school building in peking and 1000 from tho children much miscellaneous business was pushed through the need 0 organizing industrial work in the foreign field vaa brought forward by alsa moss of kansas city who moved the organization of a committee to determine where industrial schools could be used and the character of the work also to manage its disposal the committee on headquarters reported that the room in the book concern building would be open about nov 15 and that miss grace todd would be in charge for the present miss Praet ben was elected field secretary and miss elizabeth northup of walthamo Wal tharo mass was elected editor of ahe homana missionary friend |