Show MRS TODD LIVED IN FEAR expected to bo treated as was millionaire lio rice now nov 3 margaretta todd whose body surgeons will take today from the receiving vault of woodlawn cemetery in an effort to determine whether foul play had a part in her strange death dreaded the fate that overtook william M rice a wealthy and aged recluse for whose murder by means of chloroform albert T patrick his counsellor and confidant has been sentenced to the electric chair 1 I often compare myself in my present circumstances with old mr rice ia that patrick case that was the remark of mrs todd only a short time before her body was found beside the reading railroad tracks in philadelphia she had been lolling her troubles to her friend mrs G W moe of brick church N J and had described in detail efforts that she said bad been made to persuade her to sign surrendering the direction of her estate amounting to a sum variously estimated at from to mr and mrs moe became acquainted with mrs todd last summer at a hotel in atlantic city mra todd was to have gone from atlantic city to her nephews in hammerton N J but the boea persuaded her to accompany them to petoskey mich where they spent two weeks on their return mrs todd accepted an invitation to spend a fortnight in her friends home in brick church she left there on wednesday night october 18 to return to the city promising to come back in the near fumire fu tire the first that we knew that anything was wrong bald mrs moe wis on kilday afternoon the day mrs todd died mr amory came to our house apparently in groat excitement and asked it mrs todd were here arsbry said he thought that she might have come to brick church s mrs todd had asked my husband to witness her will which waa to have been made laar monday I 1 it battal that she might want to amo out to it wien last herr r T me buslow tr i aa all abot butr long as I 1 live she said to ne 1 I shall the power to act have acter let a man business and when I 1 dlo for me in no man shall tt a penny of ray mon y it 1 edine t roy even mairy I 1 would not leave if I 1 should ny husband anything I 1 shall transect I 1 11 mr own buta but 8 will wo IM ia no in her pr legacies and her daughter was to have been executrix |