Show men who took susan gears remains from hospital where illegal operation was performed are arrested new york nov 2 two men are under arrest at police headquarters in this city charged with homicide in connection with the dress suit mys acry in hottori Ho stori one of the men wll howard has confessed that he and his fellow louis craw ford alias albert H emory the ones who took the body from a hospital on street boston anil threw the dismembered portions which were concealed in dress suit cases and a hand satchel into winthrop harbor howard denies that he knows anything about the cutting ap of the body while crawford refuses to say a word chief inspector watts of boston is on his vay here with witnesses who day they saw the men throw the body from ferryboats ferry boats in tho arrest of two men acre today the police declare that tho solution of tho dress suit mystery will be reached and that the person primarily responsible tor the death of susan geary the girl of tho shepherd king company soon will lie in the hands of tho police wm howard who has an alias of hunt is ag years old he Is an engineer by occupation and has lived since ho came here in a furnished room on east fourteenth street albert H emory alias crawford is a theatrical agent howard as soon as he mas placed under arrest the police say friely told the complete story of tatt B but taso cutely denies knows who performed the operation upon the chorus girl which brought about her death or who dismembered ane body he was hired to help chakford Cra Kford he swears to dispose of tho body and this is all he has had to do with the case although he admits that he knew the girl had died under suspicious circumstances and that her body had hean cut ap howard and crawford were ar reste tonight As soon as the men were taken to police headquarters howard broke and made the alleged confession fes sion according to the prisoners sworn statement as related by the police he had known crawford for more than three years crawford has been employed at various times by patent medicine concerns through the united states but for some time past he has been engaged in managing what the police say is a dying ln hospital conducted by his mother in law dr jana bishop on tremont street boston on the morning of september 19 last avio days before tho dismember ed body of susan geary was found howard said he needed money bad ly at tho time and when cradford Cr arford suggested that ho was in a position to get him a good tee he quickly jumped at the chance now ive got a chance to let ou make a good piece of money crawford als alleged to have said to howard only you want to be mighty careful and keep your mouth shut one of our patients is dead and we have got to get rid of he body weve got to get rid of it byall by all means and delay then he went on io tell howard according to the confession that a girl had decd from a criminal operation he then old hi detail what was le to remove the remains to a spot where they bould not be found what Is there in it howard saida he asked one bundled dollars answered crawford and howard says they closed the deal they made an ap j to meet on the following dav howard entered the receiving room the neica day and crawford kept howard there until night when crawford liander howard a small hand satchel the latter says while craw tord himself carried a dress suit case howard wast told what was jn the bag and the satchel but was assured that suspicion would be attracted to them then they started for the east boston terry and on the way craw ford explained that they would throw the body into the harbor at the first opportunity crawford told howard not to lose his nerve and that they would accod their object without any trouble when they boarder the ferryboat however there were more people going to east boston than they had expected howard says and no favorably favo rabla opportunity presented itself at bast boston they went ashbro and rode on a trolley car to orient heights and returned upon reaching the there were people in the and when the craft was well out in the stream crawford Craw tord said lether fo and howard dropped the satchel which contained the head of the girl while crawford dropped over the tern tho suit case containing th howard said he thought the job done but crawford told him that there was another portion of the body to be disposed of and straight away they went to tho tremont street hospital and got another suit case howard ho took tho case and with crawford drove to the chelsea ferry where they boarded a boat and when nobody wm looking threw the case into tho river before he left crawford Craw tord howard received 60 ho says next day he got 30 crawford holding out 10 and sai ing that they had not taken in much nt the hospital two days later howard was startled when he beard calling out about the grews find of a dismembered body in A suit case and immediately he went to the hospital and told crawford lie was scared and wanted to leaver own gave him some more money ho says aad told him thai he intended ta get out too and that be would accompany him to ew york on september 33 they came to mew york shortly afterward the police of tills city received a message from the boston authorities asking them to look out ator crawford Craw tord they thought could throw some light on the mystery by constantly watching the new york theatrical the two men now in custody were located |