Show count witte is encountering obstacles in forming his cabinet empress has not fled abroad As reported st petersburg NOT 3 1150 p m the national holiday today in celebration of the anniversary ol 01 the emperors accession to the throne was marked by the formal raising of the general strike in st petersburg while the railroad strike has not yet been declared off many of the railroad men returned to work and trains are being gotten through the populace Is calmer but deplorable noting in tha provinces Is still in progress especially in the the most horrible stories of massacre and pillage by mobs and attacks upon jews continue to pour in the newa from odessa Is meager but enough has been received to show that the city for a time was practically in the hands 0 the mob the numbers killed or wounded are not definitely established but tho london report that five thousand were killed or wounded is undoubtedly a very great exaggeration the situation at kleff is also more calm there is no truth in the rumor circulated in certain quarters that the empress has fled abroad according to reports the reactionaries have a powerful ally in the empress who desires the autocratic power of the roman offs to be handed down unimpaired to son municipality bag sent the following to the emperor the city council greets with delight the coming freedom granted to the nation and firmly believes in a great and bright future for our beloved country long live the emperor of the tree russian nation the imperial manifesto was read today at a thanksgiving service of the edans of st petersburg A great demonstration Is promised for sunday when the bodies of the victims of the conflicts of tuesday will be interred the strike commit j tee sent a deputation to count watte today and informed him that the workmen would preserve order at the funerals the amnesty manifesto did not appear this morning and the radicals are impatiently demanding the immediate release of all political prisoners the censorship through russia however was abolished today not only of the newspapers but also in the ca of private telegrams the minister of the interior has notified the editors that the regulations for the control of the presa are no longer in force count watte Is having trouble in forming a cabinet on account of the lack of liberal suD DOrt senator has refused the justice and prince eugene brother of the late rector of the moscow university ver sity Is said to have not even replied to the tender of the ministry of education |