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Show PLANS TO UPHOLD TARIFF ON METALS Salt Lako, Jan. 29. According to John Dern, president of the American Mining congress, a mU has boon issued is-sued to membors and otherB Interested Inter-ested to Join hands in bringing every resource to bear to blockade the pas-sago pas-sago in tho United State tennto of any bill that Is aimed to roduce the tariff on raotals. Mr, Dem deolaros that mineral producers realized thore was no chance to prevent the passage of such a measuro in tho lower houso of congress and thercforo had been conduction a woll organized effort on the senate Tho call is-suod Is Intended, he saya, to bring tho necessary amount of pps-sure pps-sure to bear for the concentration of all tho ctrongth the minoral producers produc-ers can muster against the pnssnpo of any auch bill. Tho campaign will bo directed in Chicago and commercial bodies In mineral froducting state? will be asked to aid in the work. It Is understood that the proposition proposi-tion now before conwre'fl cOnlernp'atoR WWHIWm mmam w .:viy 11 putting tho tariff on lead ores at 25 fl per cent It is set forth by mining M mon that tho passage of such a mcasi Vm ure would hIiow a tendency to kill tho iw industry Thoy arguo that under such jEB a law as that proposed load Imported ISM to this country from Moxico would pay H about $20 less per ton than under tho !H present law, taking away about two- (9 thirds of tho protection which tho Am- S crlcan minor receives as ngalnst tho ! underpaid peon laborer of Mexico. |