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Show HOW THEY' ENTERED TEMPLE . . The Salt Lako Tribuno says: Anarration of the facts as to how GIsbert Ludwlg Gerhart Bossavd secretly se-cretly entered and took sixty-eight photographic negatives of the interior of tho Mormon temple, as told yesterday yester-day by his father, Theodore Bossara, CIS Downington avenue, Is a story of how a man for three years bent his eory effort and intelligence upon a task whlrli has been considered as Impossible as profaning tho sacred Kaaba at Mecca. After th,re years of fruitless labor, Cossurd foun 1 the key to success in rhls undertaking when he succeeded in converting to his Ideas Gottlieb Wuth-rach, Wuth-rach, formerly assistant gardnor at tho tomple, and whose duties required him to care for the floral display In the temple. It wan "Wuthrach who allowed his countryman ingress and egress to and from the sacred house According to the senior Bossard'-s statement, the photographs which have caused such sensation were taken tak-en last June some during- the day tlmo and others at night by flashlight. flash-light. Incorporate Company. About September 1 or a few davs beforo that, said the elder Bossard, his eon Wuthrach and Mo Florenr-e incorDoratorl a company the purpose of which company Is to dispose of the pholoprapns. Young Bossard Is president, Wuthrack vice resident, and FJorenco manager. The older Bossard Bos-sard said that his son toli him that he, the latter, negotiated with 'Joseph F. Smith, prosident of the Mormon church, for the sale of the negatives, but that tliis came to nothing. The father also says that his son 'told him. and that he knew it to be a fact, that detectives had followed GIsbert GIs-bert for weeks at a time and that during dur-ing his absence his house had been ransacked. In an attemnt, the elder man believes, to find the negatives of the temple interior, for, he said, as the negatives wore not In the house, nothing in the house was carried car-ried away. "Gisbert and myself," said Theodore Theo-dore Bossard, "came to this country from Switzerland six years ago as converts of tho Mormon church. My son is now 21 years old When we first arrived he was a "Latter-day Saint in good standing. However, he soon fell away from the church, and although al-though he says he still believes that the gospel is true, he says he thinks the administration of tho business affairs af-fairs of the church is crooked, I don't think he has done right In this thing, but he is a olever bov and don't soem to care what I think. "For the Inst throe years I have seen this idea of takinjr pictures of the inside of the temple develop In him. He noor made mo his confidant in thp matter, but he waa continually referring refer-ring to tho project in an indirect waj asking me what thought of It. Dreamed of Fortune. "It was about a month ago that he told me fbai he had tho pictures and how he got them. He was delighted. He said he Intended taking a trip around the world. He told mo that ho could sell the p'ctuK's for hundreds hun-dreds of thousands of dollars. Gisbert had never been in the temple until three months ago, and he realizod that he never could get In. In the right way It was for this reason that he cultivated the friend-shop friend-shop of Wuthbrach. "Wuthrach was assistant pardner. He slept in a room next to tho temple. tem-ple. He not onlv had keys to the temple but was expected to go into tho building many times a day to look- after tho flowers inside Gisbert knew that when this mai was with him the matter of taking the pictures would bo qnsy. So he made his acquaintance ac-quaintance and finally the two became be-came fast friends. Wuthrach was a good Latter-day Saint and as long aa ho was this, Gisbert also knew that the scheme could not come to a head. "So he talked to him about tho church officials, and after a long tlmo convinced him that, although tho church was all Tight, the officials wore not. After this Wuthrach could be told what riches would result from a complete set of pictures of tho inside in-side of the temple. "About three months ago Gisbert said to mc 'It's no secret about tho temple I know all about it. I know what's in thore and I know what thoy do in there.' I asked him how ho know and he replied with a wink, 'I had a vision ' "Later, when he told me that ho had tho pictures, ho said that he had been admitted to tho tompl live or six times by Gottljeb Wuthrach. Ho said that he? took two cameras along, one large and "one gmall one. He said that when he went into the grounds he hid tho cameras under his coat and that some of the pictures were taken during the daytime and others at ni?ht by flash light. "It must have been that he had the pictures about two months without at-temping at-temping to do anyhlng with them except ex-cept sell them to the church. Shadowed by Officers. "One day after ho had told me that he had tho pictures wo wero standing on the corner of Third South and State streets when he said: 'See there's a uotectlve following me and there's another and he pointed two men out to me. Sure' enough they were following us. "A few nights after this while my son was away his houso was entered and ransacked. However nothing was carried away and no cluo was left behind by tnose who had accomplished accomplish-ed this work. He did not keep tho pictures in his houso however. On two occasions after this his houso was entered and ransacked and as on the previous occasion nothing was taken away. My son had been Invltod to dine with me on the Saturday after ho went away. That was about two weeks ago. On Friday he called mc up on the telephone and said that it wa3 necessary that he leave Salt Lake at once and that ho would come up that day (Friday) to dinner. However, he could not oven wait till then, as he left tnat morning for Donvcr. Since then we have had a number of postcards post-cards from him. He says that his wife Is now settled In Denver and that ho expects to go to Now York tp join Max Florence and Gottlieb'' Wuthrach Immediately. J "Wuthrach was discharged from the employ of the church about two months ago. ) |