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Show A Strange Deal. A Madison (Wis.) young man became engaged to a young lady who resided in 3 neighboring city. He placed a beautiful beau-tiful diamond ring upon her finger as a token of his love, and as a tie which should bind their hearts in the bonds of sarlrcd engagement. Yor awhile all tbiBflB went smoothly and the lovers were apparently happy. In an evil hour tbe girl became attached to another suitor, broke her engagement with our Madison friend, and married the man of her choice. Naturally the disconsolate yeuBgman herformer lover expected the return of his ring. He waited, and it came not. He wrote to her for it and she ignored his letter. lie wrote again and still jio reply. A third letter, with the same results. ' Finally tho young man told friend of the circumstances, and offered him his claim in the ring for twenty-flve dollars. The friend accepted ac-cepted th offer nd wrote to the lady's husband for the ring, but he refused to give it up. The purchaser then employed em-ployed a lawyer to sue for it. Rather than have a lawsuit the parties gave up the ring ' - |