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Show ."the crf:aiviehy. What Our Business Men Think of the Scheme. A gentleman repiesentiug Pan's & Rankin i in Manti organizing a stock company fur the erection litre of a creamery. Meetings have been held and the 5:i shares of stock at$ 100 each are to l.t, paid, one third when the building and plant are completed, a second one-third three nionths thereafter there-after ami the balance in six months. It is expected that the plant will be ab;.s to manufacture butter and cheese about May 1. . To get tho sentiment of our people a reporter or The Sentinel visited some of our prominent and wide awake citizens and business men to get their views, with tho following result: George Snow A good idea. D.J. LiinKey- No placa in this wiJe' world whore they need a creamery worse. ' 1 1. II. Sloan - My views oh the proposi d creamery a-re i'nA the town is in need of ii. - Peter P Dj ring, L. D. Bunce, Harmon J. Cbristenson Are not acquainted with the proposition that is made, but luiiiii n ine proper ining, pel. eve it will be a benefit to the people in general as well as giving us marketable article. Think tin; - iu.lustry should be encouraged. en-couraged. Lewis Anderson It is a good thing. ... Anna Ludvigson Ought to have had one long ago. '' Hurry F!t-A Que industry -. Waiter Stringham-Lif " course we want it. .'.-.'. : I. B. Brunei I think ft would la a gleal benefit to onr town. JaiV.es P. Nelson, Post Master. The pioposid cieaiuery is certainly a very good idea and wiil bo a great benefit to the people of Manti. ... Maggie Fielding it will bo a great benefit to Manti if we can get it. A. P. Vorhees I think that a creamery would bo a good thing for the town. , N. V. Anderson-Good ioea. An industry th'at is quite neceesary. Mayor Shcmaker-H is very necessary neces-sary that wo fthcnld have one in our town. ltougaard & Fox We think it would be a good thing for the people, and should bo met with general support and encouragement. - Arthur Henrie Go ahead with the creamery, it is a good enterprise. W. II. Sperry-By all means let ns have a creamery. K.T. Parry 1 think that a creamery in Manti would .be a good institution and a benefit to the town, to the people at large, as well as to those that take stock in it. E, L. Parry-I believe that a creamery would be a good industry to have here at Mauti. 11, E.Taylor A good thing. C. Brown I think a eieamery would be a good tiling ' The company has already organized or are putting in cream ries at Sring-villo, Sring-villo, American Fork, Richmond and In ighain city, and wants to put two in this valley. |