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Show NOTICE. t Nnni ber 1. Notice is hereby Riven by flie oily eomioil ot the intention of said eoiiucil to make the following described luiprovemr-nl to wit: The extension of water mains commencing com-mencing at a point on Main mreet and rnhninc w-eet nlonsr Fifth IsortU street to Fifm Weal street, estimated at m probable cost of one thousand, one hundred and twenty-rive dollars t$ll--o). The cost thereof to be defrayed de-frayed by a local asepsment upon Ibe lots or pieces of ground withm -the folloyyiug described de-scribed district, being the dietrictto be affected or benclitted hy said improvement, viz : All lots or parcels of land located ou either side, of Filth North street, from Main to Fiftb West street. All protests and objections to the carrying out of such intention must be presented in writing to the city receider on or before the seventh 71 day oi March, A. D., lSi, being the time set by said council when it will hear and consider such objections as may be made thereto. By order of the city conncil of Manti city. N. V. Anderson, City Kecorder. Manti, February G, isyii. |