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Show While in Chicago last Thursday, Ex-Senator IngaHs of Kansas in an 'interview with a San Francisco Examiner Ex-aminer reporter, expressed himseli as follows: "Iu sixty or ninety days we wonld improvise a navy that would astonish the world and defeat anything that could be sent against us. We did in 1801 before the civil war began. The rebels dispersed dis-persed the navy to the four quarters of the globe. We had not a ship worth damning. Yet we blockaded 6.000 miles of sea coast, closed the Mississippi to incursion ;md opened it to commerce and createdla navy surpassing anything in the world. We c:in do it again. We con bny the navy of any country in the ivriiM O rr-at Britain, 'Germany, t' ranee, Italy at 50 cents on the dollar. We should prolect our own country, there should be grt at guns on every head and the torpedo-boat system should be extended nd improved. im-proved. Turn Edison loose on that idea for a month, and see if he doesn't invent a bloon whence dynamite dyna-mite could be dropped on the decks of hostile vessels. Powerful' coast defenses, good torpedo boats, practicable prac-ticable war balloons and minding our own business, and cease from a policy what excels in i.uilding navies where the impenetrable armor of to-day is met with the irre sistable projectile of tomorrow." |