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Show mockery, Ihe results not rcpreseiil-mi rcpreseiil-mi the will of I lie people, The sihiiilioi) : not only anomalous, anoma-lous, but ili ;c act fill and outrageous outrage-ous It is a it Hi 1 1 if 01 upon tin' A'iieiii'un institutions. American nia I'.h.cd, lli.-Vt this condition sho. .Id be permitted to continue n day. It is a shame that this community com-munity of loyal American people should be held in a worse bondage than is practiced upon the colonists colon-ists of the most autocratic nation in Christendom. If is to be hcjied the legislature will promptly adopt the memorial and forward it to Washington, and we believe the ap peal will be heeded heed-ed by Congress and answered by the pa sage of the bill which will afford leliel from 'the opression untii f uch limes as' the nation sha4! be fujly enlightened and convinced of the honesty, sincerity, integrity and patriotism of the afllicted people. peo-ple. No fair minded and honest man will pretend that the memorial memor-ial overdraws the gloomy picture, Hid no Ameiican who is in love uiib the principles, the institution s id the sentiments of the republic v. ill oppose the righteous petition ( i- relief. Herald- THE MEMORIAL. If the legislative assembly shall do nothipg else than adopt the memorial introduced in the house on Saturday by Representative Abrett, it will earn and receive the hearty plaudits of the community which sent the gentlcmnn here to make laws. The publie could a'most find it in its heart to excuse a prompt adjournment when the memorial shall have received the signatures of the officers of two houses. That recital places the siluatiod squarely before congjfldf and the country, clearly stating the anomalous condit on of things in ihis territory. Here is a cominu nily of a quarter .of a million o people more people than are contained con-tained in three of the sovereign sates touching Utah boundaries ; the camrnnnity is at absolute peace with all the world, its record for domestic quiet and observance and enforcement of the laws being cleaner and better thau that of any western state or territory; the one offense against Ihe statutes of the country which was prominent in years agoue has ceased and disappeared, disap-peared, aud from one er d of Utah to the other there is absolute obedi. ence to the laws of the country : the people are industrious, frugal and prosperous, and in the possession posses-sion of a rightful use of a fair share of this world's wealth ; by their conduct they have demonstrated their abi'ity and trustworthiness to govern themselves as American cilizen?, to nianagt their ' aftiirs properly ss an Ameiican community. com-munity. No better, no thriftier, no more patri itic people dwell within with-in the confines of the American republic. Clearly and truthfully stating tnese facts the memorial recites that the common rights and privileges privi-leges of citizenship are denied. We are not permitted lo name the men who thatl receive and. p:iy out the money contributed for the expenses jof government. An alien governor sent here from a rtibtant state, and 'buying no sympathies with the people, peo-ple, possesses and exercises more authentic power than that enjoyed by theemyeror of Germany, whils' the president of the United states is as a serf compared with him. Only two days' ago this governor defeated with his absolute veto a bill for a law demanded by. four-fifths four-fifths of the entire population, and which was designed to save to the commnnity hundreds of thousands of dollars in time and money every year. Not one dollar of the people's money can be appropriated or expended ex-pended by the legislature escept by the consent of the alien executive who may not own the shoe in which he stands and who may start for his distant home the morning after his. commission expires. The echools are under the control of an official named by the federal court made up of gentlemen sent Ironi distant states. Even the probate judge? ard appointed by the president of the United states. The elective franchise is but a shadow, our elec tions under the control of a viciously vicious-ly partisan board sent from distant dis-tant slates being a J farceand a |