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Show I John E. Metealf has gone to Suit Lake. Mrs Spieer has been sick with the I . Mrs. K. W. Vox. is recovering from t'"' Avipi'O. The father of Mr. Robert Rybee is in i!:ini from Idaho. , Mr. Priu-iHa Snow i i very low with he-'trt disease and dropsy. iinu'o Brown, the Marysvaie contractor, con-tractor, is home on a visit. The sheep and anti-sheep committees returned from Salt Lake tonight. A creamery uiar,i meeting in the t.il' rnacle. Monday nihtat7:30 Mrs. Robert liybee, who has been lying danserously ill, ia reported much better. ' The Manti cow-herd nuisan:e is to be done away the comming summer. Good ideal The R-ick Springs Wyoming Review, a new paper, is on our table and ex-change ex-change li.-,t. The gr;pie has been calling and paying pay-ing unwelcome, att rition to many of our people tho past week. , When asked what tho result of his limiting expedition was, Mr Minium replied, "well I did plenty of hunting." Don t forget the muss meeting Monday Mon-day ciRUt at tho tabernacle to decide whether Man ti is to have a creamery or not, Mrs. G. Y Martin, wife of the Presbyterian Presby-terian minister, has been doing good local missionary work among the sick in Mauti. ' Miss Quillen and Miss Barratt, the Presbyterian school teachera are not able to take charge of their respective schools on account of the grippe. Are the poor people of Manti a9 carefully care-fully looked after as they should be by those of our people who are in a more prosperous condition? Dr. J H Carlson, the eminent phj'si-aian phj'si-aian is successfully troatiug the broken limb of Mr Lewis Mickeisen, who was lateiy injured while getting out wood. All the families residing ou the streete soon to be supplied with the extension of the water system ia Mauti should apply at one to Superintendent Sloan for instructions. A trip to tho IVorks steam panlng mill shows that the energetic proprietor proprie-tor is getting ready for the spring work at which time he will be prepared to furnish everything in his line at way MANTI. Kotbing new but my overshoes, l ays marshal G. K. Snov. Little 'Madam'' Stsveuson is str p:; gllng with la grippe. Dr F. R. Kenner has been suffering of late from an attack of grip. Call and see the l'Js2t view of Manti at Striughain & Strhifthatus. It is a beauty. A. P. Vorhees is buying beef for the enterprising butcher of Bingham Mr. J. Bonrgard, The Sentinel block livery stable and undertakers' establishment is progressing pro-gressing rapidly. There will be a dance in Grier's ball next Friday night and the Nephi Band will not be in it. W. TI. Weyher representing C. D Smith druggist of St Jo. Mo. was also seen on our streets this week. Stevenson and Stringham made a . business trip to Ephraim today in the interest of their directory scheme. The qnarierly conference of tho Sanpete San-pete stake will convene at Ephraim on Saturday and Sunday, February 13 and .. 14, ISM. It was midnight when the anti-sheep committee received their telegram to come at once to Salt Lake, so says the postmaster, "Hello Lute, what is the latest?" "Why haven't you heard that tho Nephi Ne-phi baud is coming over? When echo answers when." "Mokaska" Barker with his silver-plated silver-plated spoons in alternate packages was seen on the streets of Manti Thursday injoying the mnd. "Oh, ma, come and see that turkey gobbler before he puts his clothes down,'' "why he's walking on hi' wings," said Master Hurry Fox to his mother. "When are you going to put tho lid ob that building?" asked little Ward Stevenson of J, C. Cahoon who is building build-ing a livery stable on Main street. Mrs.' Edna Snow Lambert is iu the Temple City visiting her parents and friends. She is accompnnied tiy her husband, Mr. Angus M. Kamberf. Uncle George Snow has boltexl not politically but the side of his. office with a nice bolt rack well filled with bolts of all kinds and descriptions. The nine sketehers will meet at lho home of Miss Lena Jonsou next Trims dy at 2 p. m. where they will be givan their first l&enn by Mr Chi istensen. Nathan Faux of Moroni our county collector made the Temple city a flying vi3it on Thursday. He reporto every thing as being all right in the north end of our county. Mr. C. C. Christensen of Ephraim made us a pleasant call today. Ho is going to give a series of ten Iwsons in drawing and painting to a class of Manti students. The first of the series will be given on Thursday next. Mr. and Mrs C. P Ostler left for Nephi on Thursday where they will remain for about a week visiting with friends aud relations, They will go via. of Spring City, at which place Mr. J. C, Ostler and Sous hava recently ope?ied a branch house. Thebow party last night was more of a snccesa socially ttiau tho party the night before but financially it was all right, as the house was crowded and the ducats were many. The bows wore of sll kinds and shapes, nd many of j them showed the refined tasto of their makers.- The Woman's Suffrage dance oa Thursday night was a snccess socially, although it fell short financially. There were two causes for so few attending, one being the bad condition the streets were in'and the other that at the opera hoose John S Lindsay and company were holding forth. All who. attended the party enjoyed themselves. The committee representin.g the sheep men are in Salt Lake where, they will lay beforethe legislature there hide of the question as to wheather the sheep causes the floods, or not, while the citizens citi-zens committee who rrpresaat ihe other Bide are also in the i tp,t,il doing what they can to 6how tha t the sheep are the cause of the floods for which Manti is so noted. A. . H. Andersen and company ha e just received a new steam -'saw .mill which they will put in operation iu a down prices. Stringlmiit & Stringham have ju&t recoived a largo 22 x 24 photograph of Muuti city, The picture was taken last summer by W. H. Jackson, Denver, and ii indeed a work, of art. It is well worth a trip to the gallery.and we would adyipe all to avail themselves of this privilege. The second annual report of the Utah Agricultural society experiment station for lb'fil has boon received from the press of too Smith, i'ammiugs & Co of Logan It rejects credit on the typographical artists and this paper will make use of some of its matter for our readers in the future. i The StNTiNEL reporter caught the genial A'bert Tattle in the barter's chair on his return from Salt' Lake where he has been looking after the anti sheep interests nowbeing discussed by (he legislation and learned that it is the intention of the territorial fathers to frame another election bill. "The contractors for the finishing of the tern pie terraces stb going to put In a stone saw plant at (the Works planing mill jard, in a short time. Mr. Work's bteiim engine will furnish the power for the ;n'.v plant. To finish the terraces it will t.ike over 3000 steps over a mile of coping, besides the ballusters, all of which will bo made of stone. The John S. Lindsay Dramatic company com-pany gave two entertainments at Grier's hiill this week. Wednesday evening they presented the play of "Monte Ctisto. while on Thursday night they played 'Haz4 Kirke," Lindsay's abili y a.i an actor is well known and comment by us is uunecssary; while Cosgmve, tha t-oinmediaii, fully unstained his reputation, re-putation, As 'Carconto" the hag, Mrs Mansfield gave the interpretation true to life. The company is first class. D. B. Funk who has recently returned fiom Marysvaie reports everything as booming in that mining camp. The people in that section are very enthusiastic, enthusi-astic, and are looking forward to the time when the Sevier valley branch ii l In extended to that prosperous camp. The Dalton and Furguson mills have benu ohut down for sometime, lmt will resume work again the first of Marc:!. Frank King thinks he has found a bonanza, an assay of which reached upward of 40,000 in gold. Mr. Ktiuk thinks the Vale is second to none in the world as a mining camp. short time som'ewhere on the old mountain moun-tain the site aa yet has not been selected The engine ia of the Ames make ami a thirty horae power, while the mill is the Cooper make, and when in operation will tnrn ont lumber at the rate of fifteen thousand feet per day. Success to the new enterprise. The conjoint meeting convened on Tuesday ni(?ht in the conncil house an was one of the most interesting sessions held this season. And ;?e are pleased to note the interest the yonncr folks are taking in their mntnal meetings. meet-ings. The honse was crowed to ii? utmost, standing room being at a premium, pre-mium, and all who attended went home perfectly satisfied. The program consisted con-sisted of a lecture on faith by C. P.Otler music by the Westenskow band a paper on "How to Read" by Samnel Le Roy and a song by the Misses Enchanain and Bench, The next session wlli fee held on the first Tuesday In March to which - all are invited. |