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Show Mr. Drams. Uasuiigo iclu lu L mit of the mountains West of Man a while hunting last week. He says the snow there is piled to a depth of nbon! five fees. The Latter Day Saint's church of fii t'iiy v. aaresented on last SsbbatVwHh a beautiful silver plated sacrament set. The members of the relief society wer-the wer-the donors. The set cost $ 10. Little five year old Thomas Price of this city was kicked in the mouth 7 :.( Tuesday by a vicious mare that he m.vi playing aronnd. The left side of Lis face was badly bruised, the clic ks being be-ing punctured in two pifferent places. M. G. Rolph left for SauFranciseo.Cal this morning with a carload of about 300 dozen chickens. Mr. Rolph will remain to dispose of the chickens probably pro-bably about ten days. That nuaib. i of chickens in a small corral was qtme a sight. Miss Christine Merrick who was recovering recov-ering from diphtheria, died at the home last Sunday of heart failure. She was buried at 4 o'clock Monday in the presence pre-sence of a very few, Rev. Murphy cuk-i-ating in a brief ceremony at the gvave. Moroni Farnsworth met with an accident acci-dent this week which came very near costing him his life. We have been unable to learn any further pp. t-'ulars than that a gun exploded which ln was handling, severely burning his face and damaging his eyes. The Presbyterian mission will b?gin school nest Monday, having beon closed several weeks oa account of diphtheria, though Miss Peck, the faithful t acher has been going from bonne to house Caching her scholars during tha sick season. The citizens sf our country capital are waxing exceedingly wroth over the depredations committed by the poor inuocent little sheepies of that uectio'i and threaten to banish them into the middle of next century. Even the unfathomable un-fathomable richness of the ruiueral deposits of the surrounding country has given up the race for supremacy in favor of the banishment of the sheep. A surprise was given Miss Emily Nyborg last Thursday night by a number num-ber of her friends ass farewell party, as the young lady Intends to leave for Park City soon. Aa soon as she had sufficiently sufficien-tly recovered frrn her surprise the company adjourned to Mr. Willard Kof-ford's Kof-ford's to snend a few hours in dancing. At abont midnight they returned to Miss Emily's home for refreshments, which had been prepared by th yonng ladies, In this manner the principal part of the night was enjoyably passed. MOUNT PLEASANT. Erorn ths Pyramid of January 30. Miss Lowry of Manti spent a few days in town this week. A dance at Fairview last Tuesday evening attracted a number of our young folks. Dr. VYopdring reports another case of diphtheria in the family of L. A. Brady of Fairview. Quite a number of yonng folks assembled assem-bled for a dance at ffillard Koffod's last Wednesday night. Rev, W. A. Hough of Springville will preach iu the Presbyterian church Sunday Sun-day night at 8 o'clock. Miss. Clarissa Fauic of Moroni is teaching in the primary department of the public school in this city. Amasa Aldrich, teacher of the First ward school closed school Thursday, he being afflicted with the grip. |