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Show BEST OXjOTXTIISTCSt- ST'oOSL IN MANTI. T TITTLE & CO. DEALERS IN General , Ivdlercli.Q.md-ise x 9 Are slill at their old stand. BOOTS AND SHOES At bottom prices. Main Street, Manti. Utah. Good News! No oue, mho is willing to adopt the right course, need be long afflicted with boils, carbuncles, car-buncles, iiiwples, or other cutaneous erup-tious. erup-tious. These are tho results of Nature's ef-fuits ef-fuits to expel poisonous and euete matter fioia the blood, ami show plainly that the system 13 ridding itself through the skin of impurities which it was the legitimate work ol the liver and kidneys to remove. To restore re-store these organs to their proper functions, Ayer's Sarsapaiilla is the medicine required. 1'hat no other blood-puriiier can compare KiUi It, thousands testify who have gamed Freedom from the tyranny of depraved blood by the use of this medicine. " For nine years I was afflicted with a skin disease that did not yield to any remedy until a friend advised me to try Ayer's Karsa-puriUa. Karsa-puriUa. With the use of this medicine tho complaint disappeared. It is my belief that no other blood medicine could have effected so rapid and complete a cure." Andres V. Oarcla, C. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico. "My face, for years, was covered with pimples pim-ples and humors, for which I could find no remedy till I began to take Ayer's Sarsapa-illa. Sarsapa-illa. Three bottles of this great blood medicine medi-cine effected a thorough cure. I confidently recommend It to all suffering from similar ! troubles," M. Parker. Concord, Vt. . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY DB. J. 0. ATEB & CO., Lowell, Haas. SoldbyDniggwtttl.tf. to. Worth$6abmft Seeing; isIBelieving:.,, And a good lamp , 'ffffifwi must be simple; when it is not simple it fftj, liiiUtid&iVM not good. Simple, Beautiful, Goad these K.4.-.Ji faSi words mean much, but to see "The Rochester " ., ' Hwill impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, ' Vf"Mi,tfj & tough and seamless, and made in three pieces only, S y t it is absolutely safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's V v' I of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar- K: JL velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, I softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. l loot for this Stamp-THEROCHESTEB , ?V?ZX!&SEZ JJii Rochester, and the style you want, send to us fur our uewJ""tr,a, " ?3?UVaud"e will send you a lamp safely by express-your cho.ee ol over -t.OOO tlrM 'ill varieties from the Largest La ,i Store in the H or Id. . V?H BOCHES1E11 L1I1P CO., 4i Prk Place, lew lorn City, ifBL "The Rochester." THE MANTI LUMBER YARD HAS AlAVAVS ON HAND A FULL LINK OF Fiiraiiiii, Lumber, Lath, Mouldings ami Shingles. Orpgon and Georgia Pine Flooring, Cresting. Windows, Doors, Ceiling, Fencing. Ballusters, Rustic Door Screens, etc.. at Provo and Salt Lake prices.. All Orders by Mail Prompty Attended to CITAS. Agent. JOHN GUI EH, Proprietor. Stringham Striogham. fkfr -'"'I , j' :Fo"togi:afs while yon wait; but they ae not like this et:hing. Beware of imitations imi-tations and get a genuine picture of yourself. UTAH ;JjJf AND N.GRANDE;! Westerns jHfe Railway, STANDARD GAUGE. Time Table, in EfEsct Nov. 1st, 189i; EAbTBOUND TKA1SS. No. 2 Nn.4. Atlautio Atlantio Mull; Espre3. reave Q'j.im 8:80 a. m. 8:80 p. m irrivo Silt Lake 9:40 a.m. 9 -10 p. m 'ix. SiUlakB 9-50 am. .5p. m rrive Pi-uvo ..11:20 a. m 11. So p. m lei.vo 1'rovo li:40a.m. ll:40p: m iirive (ireenRitrer... S.SJ p.m. 5:40a. m. Leave Green Riv... S: P.m. 5:46 a.m. ,vmvd Grand Junction :80p.m. 9:30 a. m leave liraniljur.ttion 9:50 p. ui:9:5oa. m i.liie e.lel,woou Springs 1:00 m 1:25 p Itt Arrive I.eiJvillo 5:55 um , -20 p. ui Arrive Pueblo " 1.10 p.m. S.;0a.ni Ar Coi sptinca 3 i p. m. 4.10 a, m. Arrive Denver lM '..00am WEST BOUND TR AINS. No. 1 Ko., Pat-itie" Fii-ific. Mall. txpre39 Leave Denver 7 00 a m 7.00 p m Lv tolSpunga 9.S a m 9.45 p ra v lave Puc-bl., 11-30 P m 11.15 pm Leave l.cadvllle F-45 p. m. 5.55 a ni Leave. Ulenwood Springs 9.55 am 10.18 am Arrive Grand Jnuction S 50 a in 1.10 p m Leave Grand Junction W a. m. 1:80 p. m Arrive Green River.. 4:20 a. ui. 4-47 p. Leave Green Eiver . 425 a.m. 5:07 p. m Arrive Provo W;15p.m. 10 55 p.m Leave Provo 0:35 p.m. 10:55 a.m Arrive Salt Lake -3-.01 V. ra. l-2;-i0a,m Leave Sait Late 2;lp.'m. )5;80a.m Arrive Ogden ;-20 p. in, 1;30 a.m LOCAL TRAINS. LOCAL TBAINS SALT LAKE AND OGDEH. Leave Salt Lake 12:80 and 5:30 a. m. H:12p.m Arrive bait Lake 6:40 a. ui. anil 9;lo p.m 5;5 p. iu. BINOHaM. LeaveSalt Lake 8:00a. m. Return-arrive Salt Lakeo oO p, m, Pulman Palace and Buffet Sleeping Carson ill through Trains, D C DODGE, J. H BEN NETT General Manager. Gen. Frt. 4 Pass Agt. A. E. WELBY, Hupt. General Offleea, Salt Lake City Utah Sanpete Valley Railway. TIME TABLE, NO. 5. To t&fce effect Wednesday, Dee. 24, 1890. Going North, Staaona. Going South. ISO. 1, -No. 2. a.m. p.m. 9. 00 Leaves Chester. Arrives 2. IT. 9. 12 Arrives Mnrfmi Leaves 2.a5. 9.30 Leaves Moroili Arrives 1.5-5. 9.45 11 Draper, Leaves (1.45. 10.10 ' Tonntam Green, ' l-2o. 10.30 Divide, ' 1.0J. II. 10 'Main Street Nephi, 12.15. 11.1-2 Arrives Nephi, Leaves 12.13. Trains run daily, Sunday excepted. Trains atop at stations marked only when 3igoaied. , iieodokk Brubace, GeneralManager. j. S. KekB, General Superintendent. STATIONERY '. COMPASY Snccess rs to V'- " $a"J'' ' -lit Ja ,j :1 - " .-,vS"',,i'rCTU''Jv' 72 Main Street - Salt t-ake City I Manager. r Tpors, - Dolls And other goods for the Holidays, in addi tion to a full line of Book and Stationery SyC0L-XTY BARGAIN" STORE - ''ASLEEP C!f THE TRACE. A little cbild, tired of play, had pHlmrfd hf fcend on a railroad traeK and fallen asleep. 1'lje train? as almost upon him wti.ui a passing t ranger riifahud forward and saved turn irom a h orrible dewth. Perhaps you are a.-Utvp on tli t&u;, too. You are, if you are lu-Niuttntf tlia racking cyatn, the- bectio flush, the logs of ftppetiu, growing weakness and lassitude, Hrtdch asre unecnflcioualy crept upon you. Wake up. or tbe train wnl bo uiion you 1 Consunipfiion, which thus insidiously fastens its hold mpon ita victim a while they are un-conaeioKsfof un-conaeioKsfof ita approach, must be taken ir4 tiiue, if it is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce to Golden Bfiedieal Discovery has cured thou-eands thou-eands A casea of thia most fatal of maladies. If talrtt'Q in time, and given a fair trial, it L giiterfcufefed to benefit or cure in every ca.- of Cau&uinptioa, or money paid fur it will ba ' prowx-tn refunded. ForVakunga, Spitting of Blood, Shortness Short-ness of Breath, Bronehitw. Aatbma, Severe Oolites and kindred affections, it is an eni-4ei: eni-4ei: remedy. ' Copyrlgkt 13. by WORLD'S DlS. Mb Ass1. j tLA tif lncurablo caso of Catarrh in v" toe Hesd, by the proprtetori : -or Dr. cage's Catarrh Remedy. Only 50 cent s oid by drug-giau everywhere. ! Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria., When Baby was sick, yce gave her Ca3toria When she was a Child, she cried for Cast When she became Miss, she clung to O Astoria, Whenshehad Children, she gave them castoria. Orang v.iJle, Emery Co-. Utah- j. K. REID. I,EALER IN Dry Goods G roceries Keeps a full I.iue ot 5. 10. and 25 cent Counter Goods. Ma General Merchandise Mer-chandise nnijM ami Mmlicines. Per-srriptLons Per-srriptLons carefully Compounded. Bnvsall kinds uf produce. Hiphest nriee rmidfor Hid, Wool, and liurs. all casir purchasers to the amount of $1.00 B(itn a Prize. Don't Kail to Call aud Buy Yourse ! ,Rich. WALTER STBINGH1M 13 prepared to fill all orders for Lime large or smrill. y-Ul In - delivered 'to any part of the ' town or County, at reason- able prices. MANTI CITY. SAVINGS BANK. DIRECTORS. L. T. Tuttle, President. II. J. Christenson, Vice-Prest. Albert Tutii.e, Cashier. J. B. Maiben, James Crawford, Jr. Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf Transacts a Gt-ner&l IMiiig Business. . Receives cleposit9 parable on dimaiid. Five per cent paid on savings deposits. Fireproof Vault. Safe Alisoliiitly Burglar Prouf Money to loan on real estate, oity and larm proper-.y and other approved security, p9lning Wirt,-JEsliavjE Yon can set your own Vraon or Ruggy Tire without taking the wheel cm. Price within'the reach of everybody Also carries a fall line of School Supplies W.H. GRAY CO., Agents. J. M. DA vi 3, Traveling Agent for Sanpete Southern Vtth. Jteie Store. A. Marker, IDAHO F.-ALLS. TJEALER IN A1X .DESCRIPTIONS OF Musical Iustri jments, Strings & Trii n mmgs. Best Siass Band Instruments. All kinds. Orchestra & Band ilusjc, bheet Music a wd Music Books. Send for my; new Catalogue. Jitst ont it has a sie tcti of Ole Bull's Violin rlaymg ln it imd much good inf or.na-ion or.na-ion in for masticians Senr'l mt your orders for v.hat you want in the Music line. also Watches, fine Gold arn3 Rolled P,afe Jewelry Ctiltery Etc. Etc. Mottej 'Square Dealing Fair (ierms Standard! |