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Show PICKED UP ON THE HIGHWAY 1 Possibly Soma of Our Readers (but ' 1 Ws Doubt It) May Have Heard These Remarks. The miscellany department of a newspaper , might label the fotlowln "Home (Un) Truths:" "I don't mind the size at all. What I want Is a comfortable pair of shoes," was what we overheard a lady saytn , I In a bootahop yesterday. "Yes, said a tall, gtfm-looking lady who paid ns a visit with her meek little husband today, "Henry's word U law In our house." "No," said .the fair musical comedy! ' actress, when Interviewed this week, I "I will not give you my photograph. 1 I hate seeing It In the papers, and I I want to keep myself as much out of I the limelight as possible." I "I always like to have my wife's. 1 mother here on visits." declared our 1 friend Whltehouse the other day, "b- I cause we do so enjoy hearing how ev- 1 erything about the house should be 1 done.", 1 |