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Show Bingham Will Entertain on Sunday - Various estimates have been given out as to the number bf visitors who will be entertained here on Sunday, but up-to-date nothing definite can be ascertained. ascer-tained. This excursion is the last of the season of a series f "Get Acquainted With the Mining Min-ing Industry" excursions conducted con-ducted by the Salt Lake Chamber Cham-ber of Commerce Mining Committee Com-mittee to the principal mining camps of the state, for the purpose pur-pose of acquainting Utahns with one of the leading basic industries indus-tries of the -state; "According Then Mar, chairman of the Charles R. Mabey, State of Utah. Music. "Early and Modern History of the Mining Camp," State Senator H. N. Standish. Response, Ross Beason, president of Salt Lake Commercial Club. "Geological History of the Camp," Mr. Beason. After which all visitors will be taken to the pit of the Utah Copper mine, where the blasting will occur, and an address be given by Attorney R. G. Lucas. All visitors will then adjourn to the Utah Copper baseball park, where cash prizes will .be given . for a five-inning baseball game, several stunts in vaudeville and ir big barbectHe served to"aHL barbecue committee,, there will be plenty of elk steak to give all who attend a taste of this now rare delicacy, the- law laying down rigid protective measures against the slaying of the king of the antlered herds. The history of the elk herd from which the bucks to be served at the forthcoming-barbecue were slain, dates back to 1910, when the Bingham" council and interested citizens became interested in-terested in a game preserve. At an expense of $1000 six elk were imported from the Jackson Hole country and placed within an enclosure of about 100 acres in Dry Fork canyon. The fish and game department thereafter established es-tablished the district as a game preserve, protecting all. forms of, game and wild life from firearms. fire-arms. Since 1910 the small herd has grown until it now numbers about 130 head. Special permission permis-sion to slay three of tM male elk was asked of D. II. Madsen. fish and game commissioner, and finding-that there were a number of superfluous males, he allowed the hunt to be made under the supervision of the deputy fish and game warden of the district. Last Sunday morning Dr. F. E. Straup. mayor of Bingham; P,! Bernard, of the town council, Frank Thompson and Tom Maine of the police force, Dr. Frazier and Tom Stringham staged the hunt, returning with three male elk for the barbecue to be given at the Utah Copper baseball grounds at 4 p. m. next Sunday. . The elk head and ivory teeth i are to be disposed of at the : barbecue and the proceeds arc f to be donated to the state fish i and game fund, to be devoted to building up the game preserve. Cars to leave the Salt Lake Conmicrcial Club at 12:00 a m. (noon), Sunday, September 16th; arrive at Princess Theatre, Lmg-t Lmg-t ham Canyon, at 1:30 p m. Address of welcome, .Mayor i E. Straiip. Response, Governor ! - |