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Show I have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Nell for the past week. The Relief Society held conference confer-ence at the L. D. S. ward house on Tuesday afternoon. A large number from Sandy attended. A dance was given in the Lark clubroom on Tuesday. An orchestra from Salt Lake furnished fur-nished the music. The y dance was organized by members of the club and was well patronized. patron-ized. - . . Mr. and Mrs. . William Crittenden Critten-den were Salt Lake visitors this week. Miss Stella Myerhoffer spent the week-end here with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myerhoffer. Myer-hoffer. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert White motored to Midvale on Wednesday Wednes-day evening and visited with friends. At a meeting of the Farm Bureau, Bu-reau, held at the City and County Coun-ty building, at Salt Lake City, on Wednesday, Mrs. W. J. Fahr-ni, Fahr-ni, Mrs. R. P. Nell and Mrs. R. Myerhoffer represented the local club and were chosen as a committee com-mittee to continue the good work of the bureau in camp. A Christmas seal sale committee commit-tee was appointed here on Wednesday, Wed-nesday, when M. S. Parker of the Utah Public Health Association Associ-ation paid a visit in the interest of the above association. The committee chosen are: Chairman, Mrs. Robert Myerhoffer; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Fahr-ni, Fahr-ni, and Principal W. R. Stevens of the Lark school. NEWSvNOTES FROM LARK Mrs. Edward Tenpraze was a Salt Lake visitor on Tuesday. The Misses Vera Nordberg and Louetta Hatt were Bingham High School visitors on Monday. Mon-day. Mrs. Warren Moore, Mrs. A. P. Hemmingsen and daughter, Mary Frances, were business visitors to Salt Lake on Saturday. Satur-day. Mrs. Joe Hatt of Magna visited vis-ited with Mr. Hatt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hatt, the past week. ... ' Mrs. E. V. Nell and family |