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Show , Dt Reader: This ia your corner All questions submitted will be cheer-xt cheer-xt csref ully answered, except those seeking medical advice. . Names and addresses of business firms cannot be printed here, but will t . 8"t lf self-addressed, stamped envelope accompanies Hhe request.' ,Que"tlons are limited to two. Full name and address must accompany each letter or no reply can be made. ' i All communications are held strictly confidential. ' ' ' In requestmir poems and songs,, the correct title, the first line, or the of j author 18 necessary In ordef'to find them. - Please send stamped, addressed envelppc also with these requests, so they may be forwarded directly to. you. ' ... , , c L Adre" lett"s plainly, with pen and Ink, to Helen Brooks, Box 1545, . Salt Lako Citv. TItAh: !,., ... ' - r . i- .,..... Dear Miss Brooks: I enjor roar' corner very mueh ana would like you to anawer me ' some questions. (1) I am 12 years, old a,nd kayo taken few music leaaons.' Would rou tell sue th.ntma of some easy sheet muaict (2. Is 4t proper for a Klrl of 12 years to go to a picture show with a boy? I remain, . ' r. ... - FLORENCE Idafio: (1) Following- are a few piano selee-tlona selee-tlona which I hope will be about -jrlght for you,, though It ia hard to JOdgre1 whtit grade, pieces 'you ahonld have: "EvenUif; : Prayer." No. 456; Walts ro "F," No. 175; "Young- Cadets March" Milltaire,'! (op. 30) B. Lag-y and "In I May," (op. 578 No. 2.) (2) No, dear: - i. Thanka for the catalog;. I have another an-other question I would HUe to ask. What ,, kind of artthmetlo Is taken mostly In the 8th grade t . Your an-awera an-awera are helping me very much. Thanking you In advance. DOROTHY, McCamraon, Idaho. I am glad my anawera are .help to you, uoroiny. Your queation is a little Indefinite, but as I understand It, what you want ia the books lined in the 8th grade. The A pupila of the 8th grade take Book I, Part t, and the B pupils take Book 3, Part 2. Dear Miss Brooks: Have you room for me In your corner? cor-ner? I am a girl of 17 with brown eyes and long, brawn hair. (1) Would you advise me to have it bobbed? Home of the girls of my age have their hair bobbed and look good. Everyone tells me I would look good with bobbed hair. (2) Is it proper to walk home , with a boy If you know his name and have been around him lots and never been introduced? Hoping I will be welcome to come again, I remain, . BARBARA, Idaho. Indeed there Is room, Barbara. (1) I cannot have"H-4s, jny heart to advise a gtrl who has lovely, long hair, te have It bobbed. But of course one must use their own Judgment, my deav (2) And how doea It happen you have not been Introduced to this boy, Barbara? Bar-bara? Under ordinary circumstances it would not be proper. Come again. Dear Miss Brooks: I feel as though' you are a godsend to our community at large, and great will be your reward when you have finished your good work here on 'this earth. Now for my question. Please give me the exact time to boll plum, apple and grape Juice for making Jelly. Thanking you In advance, . BUSY HOUSEWIFE, Utah. v Thank you, Buay Housewife. It Is ,. ' . .""SONGS REQUESTED ' . These songs and poems ire on the requested end To-Be-Found list: r I'll Remember You, Love, In Jljr ; y ' Prayers. ' f- " The Boys Won't Do To Trust ' . ' Wandering Home. The Drunkards Lone Child. . I Am Looking for a Sweetheart. . ' Somewhere in France There's a Lily, , Wackeyed Hallor Boy. William and Mary. ; " Put My Little Shoes Away. ' ' . When You Left the Red River Valley. The Lonesome Nigger, Don't take advantage of my good i nature. . ., 'First Lines , Go, pretty rose, go to my love, ' . i Tell her of all I fain would tell. ' ' ''I Mi i t ! 1 , SONGS RECEIVED ' The following aonga and poems have been received during the paat week, and I wish to thank each one for their , ktndnesa In contributing them: - I've Juat Come Back to Say Good-bye. ' THERE'S A ROSE IN OLD ERIN U (That's blooming for me) I. Kln. that dear little isle o'er the sea ' t - There's a rose that Is blooming for me, Just a sweet fragrant flow'r In a green shady bow'r, ' I'm yearning to see her each day and ' each hour. By the lakes, of Klllarney so bhj. She Is waiting with heart everirue, The smile so endeariu' she always is wearln' .... Just calls me to Erin as nought else ' ; can do. ... , Chorus: f An IrUh rose Is blooming . I That la JuBt for me; J I dhe's the fairest of flow' re on that deai Isle of green, 1 . . My rose of Klllarney, my wtnsom Colleen. , ( "Corns back to Erin," she's calling, " she's railing. , 1 Cn hear her tonight from afar o'er , the sea, There's a rose in old Erin that's bloom-In' bloom-In' for me. , - : 1 Dear Miss Brooks: I have been a silent reader of your corner, "Between You and Me," and think your Ideas are splendid. My sister has written and received excellent excel-lent answers, and If you will not mind I will sale a few questions, I am 16 years old and my face has a rather large amount of pimples. I ' have sponged It In hot and cold water and used many home remedies but have had poor results. Some folks have advised me to get face cream and such arttclea. My folka do not think It is necessary. I was operated on last year and they say the medicine I took causes It. When I went to school I used powder to quite an extreme. I thought that -was the cause, but during the summer months I have tried to use as little as possible and they are the same. Now what do you think could be the cause? What could I do? Do you think a good powder pow-der will cause such?' Thanking you and wishing you lots ef success, SLIVERS,. Kansas. Welcome Slivers, from the sunflower state. I wo,a1d say the causa of your pimples might be from neglect of your skin wlrfla using powder excessively. Of coj1rae they may be from a blood dlsofler, In which case this condition wlM of oourse have to be corrected. In ofther case I would not advise the hot Water. but rather yd should have a good acne cream and also an astringent cream or lotion. Usebthes once or twice each day and alwiWs ctoanse the face thoroughly before retiring. No, I da not think a good (swdlr would Causa this condition, if the kl Is properly prop-erly eared for. When bla)ifcads and pimples have found a place lnaour sklii it takts time and fJatieiiaa to remove5 them-1 . ; ' V i To A READERS IifaboWThanka very much Cor the sonA I am very sure It Is Ihe correct one. nd Lm't there some-Uilng some-Uilng I can do forouj DXaAlIss Brooks fi the first lme I have written and trust you will welcome Please teU me what the seven of the wSild ara,f fSVSliounr-ike fSVSliounr-ike hold f (utg'Irl's arm or Is to take fliM of the boy s arm V in tnkjWu- liar nttt T,itu onderful to know you feel I am of ial value toyour community. And njw because iiS Is impossible to give tlfe esact tlms or boiling the different ,frlr Juices t produce a perfect Jelly, i 111 gle yea a fewVoinfs whloh I Vto wlllfyiela. you. AsVop know, tt H hpeStlas found In fyi different ftyVs whichuiauses the Jes to ielly. l'ecltrv Vs St Its beat whet. Hie frClt le Jusrlt)A,c,r a little beforw lf thjuice l'rrtSj:its,,or the coolukjj continued H09 l-VisT. the pectin tiidVkoes a ijhnnge VidJVses ls powf oV(latf ilzlng. Jii-fpf'0, select pluifs orNferapel which aifliSntly undorrli4-41a8h theL-rapes, ad4iK ho water. Ad quart of wa. ... , - - l 1 w MUAiia of v'ter to 8 quarts (AniiVles. I In each caselcook slowly and Yhlroiihly and strain the Juices. ad.llnMin for pint of Juice anil sna-ar, stlrrinR until sugar is dissolved. IMace over tire and bring to boiling point, remove and skim; put over fire again and boll and skim once more; boll and skim a third time, and then pour Into hot glapses and st on a board. Mace the board In a sunny window and cover with a sheet of Klaus If possible, until Jelly is set. This max be as soon as cold jnr It may take lev eral days. (Lacking the glass, covei with anything which will protect It from the dust.) L!"0.1 ,t " "tart a emirse In tH AH BUSINESS COLLEGE, 92 B.. Bl.l.. flalt Le Citj Carl Dsvta, Prin. WRITE TODAY. " hn I ko l.aok ti Erin once more, ( AVe will wander agitln to the shore, And Killnrney will gleam 'neath the moons sllv'ry Imams, While clos, 1 am foldlu' the rose of my j dreams; ' . 'Neath the skies of old Erin so blue ' We will tell love's old story anew, t.v. When nature reposes and moonlight ' discloses . ' . y. Lovo's KarUen of roses for only us two. f. v,. BETTT UtehT Thanks for the j song, my dear. , Casi I not return the favor in some way I To R. B.. rindale. Wye. Thanks. , dear, for your cheery words. Indeed ; 'I will do as you request. And a very v ba thank you for the songs,' also. , To BIRDIE, Victor, Idahoi ' Tou are welcome, Birdie, and thank v' you for the song. What may. X do for , you now? .-!-. Dear Miss Brooks: - 4 I have been reading your advice to v t . . others for soma time, and I supposed that If you answered questions for others, oth-ers, you might give me some Information Informa-tion that I am seeking. (1) Could you . give me the name or namea of the physical education schools in California? Califor-nia? Also addresses? (2) Is It con-aldered con-aldered good form, when making the acquaintance of anyone, to ahake handa with your glove on? When meeting some friend on the street should one k remove the glove? Two questions the limit, n'est-ce pas? I . know It Isn't H conventional to thank anyone In ad- vance for a service, but may I not take this opportunity to thank you, and thus , "smash" oneo f the conventional rules? I wish you success, ' LOU-LOU, Utah. il Tou "supposed" just right, LouLou, and here you are. (1) titate Normal School of Physical Kducatlon, Chlco, ; Calif., and Leland Stanford University, Dept. of Physical Education, Palo Alto, Calif. (2) When meeting a friend by i ' ohance. or receiving a chance Introduce r TINKLE. And so i'wlll, Tinkle. The seven wonders fft the Rnclent world are the Pyramid of Egypt, the Hanging Gar-dens Gar-dens .of Semlramls at Babylon, the Statue of Jupiter, or Zeus, at Olvmpla the Temple of IHana at Ephesu's. the Mausoleum of Hallcarnassus, the Colossus Colos-sus of Rhodes, and the Itiaroa, or lighthouse, light-house, at Alexandria. The present age Is one of supremacy In science rather than In art and the Seven Modern' Wonders Won-ders are the Wireless telegraph, telephone, tele-phone, flying machine, radium, antiseptics anti-septics and antitoxins, the X-Ray an 4 spectrum analysis, (a) The custom of taking hold of the arm of your partner part-ner or escort Is not generally followed now but when this custom Is followed the girl aheuld take the boy's arm, except ex-cept In casea where the boy assists the girl In entering street cars, automobiles, automo-biles, at street crossings, etc. Dear Miss Brooks: I have written to you a few times and have also read your corner. I think your anawera are splendid. Would It be too much bother to answer a few more? (1) How can a person make warts go away? (r) Is a girl 14 years of age too young to wear silk stockings? stock-ings? Wishing you oceans of success, LITTLE DANDY, Kans. Always welcome, girlie. (1) Some have found the following remedy very effective In destroying warts. One tableapoonful of borax to one quart of water. Moisten the warts several times dally, and allow the solution to dry on without wiping. (2) Fourteen is not too. young to we silk stockings for dresa occasions. Dear Mlaa Brooke: May I enter your corner? I am a girl of 14. I have blue eyes and brown, wavy hair. I have my hslr bobbed. (1) Which Is the most popular way to comb It leave It straight or curl it? (2) Is It proper for a girl to go with a boy four or pve yeare older thaa heraelt? I remain, BOBBETTE, Idaho. Yea. Indeed. (1) The newest way of , ' tlon. the glove need not be removed. If attending- a social affair when handshaking! hand-shaking! Is In order the glove should bej 5 removed. Yea. dear, tempue fug-It. I Deed you may, and you're welcome; we "' ' don't care how many of this sort of , conventions we smash, do we? ,. To BROWN EYES, Summit Ut. And 'i; once more I thank you for another song, aa well as for your gracious let-i. let-i. . ter. Dear Mlae Ilrooks: We hope we are welcome to your corner, cor-ner, and that you will anawer our quea- tlona. (1) How can anyone tell when , they are reflly In love with a boyT We , , are afraid that aome day, when it ia too late, we will And that we do not , f truly love them. Ct) Can you auggeetl anything that will keep our light hair: from turning dark? (3) If a girl la going steady with a boy and he Ixavea: town for eight months. Is It proper fori the girl to have partners while the' boy ia gone? (4) Hnw can a girl kill; --ia -uuuwi nair ia perrectly etralght, but very few look well with It thla way. (2) At your age, no. dear, you should not be going with the boya at all. Do you not And your achool work takea about all your time and attention? at-tention? To WHITE KOSK. Tetonla. Ida. Sorry. White Rose, but I have only one of the eonga you wish, ao will aee if I can get the others for you and then send them all together. I am very happy to note that your "worries" seem to be along the right line, and also glad that my. previous anawera were satisfactory to you. Dear Miss Brooks: I am giving a party soon, and I want you to help me make It a success. It will be an Indoor party, as It la at Ti.'tct. What kind of games do you think would be good to play? What do you think would be good to serve Instead of Ice cream? They have all served this, and I would like to have something different. (2) What will remove Ink her love for a boy? Hoping thla doesn't reach the waste baitkivt, we remain, ANDT AND T1K1TEK, Nevada, Tou are welcome and I will try to answer your iueations, but how old are you, children? I am nulte sure you will be aware of the fact when you really are In love. It la indued a trag- edy to discover you are not in love when too late. Do not think you must , t try to fall In love with every hoy yeu meet. Love will come unbidden, and when you least expect It. perhaps. , Therefore, look upon all boya as friends only. (2) Rinsing the hair In water In which the Juice of a lemon has been squeezed or adding a teaspoon ef so. la to the rinse watur has a tendency to keep it Hunt but will not permanently prevent it from turning dark. (.1) Vr-talnly Vr-talnly you may go with ns many boys as you wish, my dear, so long n you have given your heart Into no purtlcu-lar purtlcu-lar one s keeping. (4) And whv do vou wish It -killed"? This would b difficult diffi-cult for me to say without knowing more details. Do you think It is "really truly"? And now you se your letter did not reach the waatopaper basket. mains irom a ping Jap crepe dress? I Just got some on mine while writing this letter. EDITH, Utah. (1) It requires so much space to give a good Idea of how to play games, that I am going to suggest you go to your book store and aee If you cannot find a little book of games. Yeu ahould be able to get one which would be a great i help to you at thla time as well as the future, for from 25 cents up. As for the refreshments, why not serve a dainty sandwich and fruit salad. With this serve hot chocolate. (If) Ink is one of the most difficult stains to remove from colored goods as almost everything every-thing which removes the Ink also removes re-moves the color. A prolonged Immersion Immer-sion In sweet milk will sometimes remove re-move It, depending upon the coloring master In this particular ink. The commercial com-mercial ink removers are about us satisfactory sat-isfactory as anything you can use. To VIOLA, rtah. As I' have only one of the songs you request at preNent, I will hold your envelope for a few days, hoping to get the otlier.one. |