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Show Bingham Society Mrs.. Charles" Huebner of Eureka, Eu-reka, Nevada, is visiting here with his daughter, Mrs. A. Anderson An-derson of Markham. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Densley L are rejoicing over the arrival of , y ya cute baby girl at their home on .' . Saturday. Mrs. B. P. Buck came over ' ' y from Magna and visited here , iT ' with friends. Mr. Buck, former-V former-V ly of the Outlet Clothing Store, , has taken charge of the Gephart , ! store at Magna. ' 'y j Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jones and y .small son; Calvin, returned to ! - . J , camp Sunday after spending two I weeks in Salt Lake and nearby J canyons. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dahlquist Amy Rowe and Miss Rasmussen drove to Salt Lake City Friday evening. Miss Virginia Eberly returned Monday after spending the weekend week-end at her home in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Trewelling were Salt Lake visitors Sunday. The bridge party given by Mr. and Mrs. Will Reese of Salt Lake was the inspiration to several sev-eral Bingham couples last Satur-1 Satur-1 day night. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Aven, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dahlquist and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tietjen. Mrs. A. Rodda was a Salt Lake visitor Tuesday. The Sewing Club met with Mrs. Art Maly Tuesday after- ' The Sewing Club of Martha Chapter No. 7, O. E. S., is dated y for a food sale, Saturday afternoon, after-noon, in the Bourgard building. y Mrs. Margaret Waldis is spending the week-end at Salt y Lake. !" Miss G. Hammel was called to Salt Lake last week-end on account of illness. Mrs. A. C. Cole was a Salt Lake visitor Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Buck and Miss Bowen were Salt Lake visitors vis-itors Sunday. . Miss June Christopherson spent the week-end in Salt Lake with her sifter, Miss Ann Christopher-son Christopher-son OA Eureka. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and tfildren,. and Miss Hill from I '''' Lark, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Kemp, Satufday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Robbe, ' v. Mr. and Mrs. Will Myers and son, Billy, and Mr. Evans spent . Sunday at Beck's Springs. y - Mrs. Minnie Zion announces the marriage of her daughter, Elaine, to Marlin Eden, Tuesday, ; at Salt Lake. y Mrs. Morlan Eden was the in- - spiration for a shower given by . Mrs. John Cullenton at her home .v , on Main Street, Wednesday even ing. Many beautiful pieces were .. displayed. The guests included Mrs. Minnie Zion, Mrs. Clarence . - ' , Con nary, Mrs. Alex. Stuart, Mrs, Rex Tripp, Mrs. Dewey Miller, ' . ' i Mrs. Daisy Bogart, Misses Cora Hocking, Pearl Adderly, AHa "Miller, Maud Welch, Irene Burk and Elaine Home. |