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Show CHURCH NOTICES Holy Rosary Church, Bingham Sunday Masses : : Every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. First Sunday, 8:30 and 10 :30 am. Copperfield Second and fourth Sundays, 9:00 a, m. Highland Boy ' Third Sunday, 9 :00 a. m. Sunday School after Mass. "-f Rev. ohn Ryan, C. S. C, r Pastor " Pastor. KILLS RATS and micethat'i RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comet in cakes no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 35c size 1 cake nough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c fize 2 cakes for Chicken House, coops or small buildings. $1.25 size 5 cake enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. ; FREE! L . : We will send the "Bingham News" free for one year to the first partv bringing one quart of flies to this office caught in A screen fly trap in Bingham. . r RID THE CAMP OF - FLIES ' You Guard Against Burglars, But What About Rats? 1 Ran steal millions of dollars worth of grain, chickens, eKRS. etc. Destroy firoperty and are a menace to health. If you are troubled with rats, try ' RAT-SNAP. It will surely kill them 3 prevent odors. . Cats or dos won't touch it. Cotm-s n Three sizes, 35c. 65c, $1.23. Sold and guar-an guar-an teed by I BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. .' : Lost! y Vy On Sunday .evening, ' a lady's taupe fox fur. Return to this office and receive reward. VOTE AND ROOST FOR BETTER WATER - - |