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Show CHIPS AND SHAVIHGS AROUND BINGHAM ' , ' ' "' Peter Bouras of Copperfield was arrested on Wednesday by Deputy Sheriffs Miller and Edg-ington Edg-ington for having a still in his possession. The sheriffs also took seven gallons of moonshine and destroyed fifty gallons of mash which was fermenting. . It was all in a filthy condition. J. L. Weilcr and F. C. Cooley of the County Health Department Depart-ment were in camp on Wednesday Wednes-day securing samples of milk for analysis. The officers refused re-fused to give the analysis of the milk for publication. ,-. O. R. Diblee and Barney Quinn of Salt Lake were business busi-ness visitors to camp on Wednesday. Wed-nesday. It will be interesting to learn that the postal savings deposits of the local office are ' growing by leaps and bounds. There are only twenty-seven cities ' in the United States that show higher ratings. The last report filed by Postmaster Archie Stuart showed the deposits to be $170,462, with Salt Lake City lagging behind to -the tune of $137,426.00. We congratulate" our worthy postmaster post-master on his excellent showing. John Caulfield of Salt Lake City while repairing the roof of one of his buildings down the canyon this wee, fell from a ladder and severely bruised himself. him-self. , -y ; 1 y Abe Hastings, for a , number of years a resident of Lark, died some time? ago of' kidney trouble at Inspiration, Arizona. He is survived by '.his widow, Mrs. Nellie Hastings, anjj two chil-drcfi.Thff chil-drcfi.Thff ftianyf nends tif ' de- ceased win learn wmi amt-cic regret of his death. Father Ryan of the Holy Rosary Ro-sary Church has given two of the Utah Copper baseball players an opportunity to accept a four-years four-years scholarship at Notre Dame, Indiana. The young men who are offered this unusual privilege are Foxley, better known as Jack Keefe, and "Val" Glynn. Robert Sherwood of Salt Lake City, former proprietor-of the Sherwood meat market, has secured se-cured a position at the Eagle meat market and will take charge there. Mr Sherwood is said to be one of the most efficient ef-ficient meat cutters in the state. . W. Hossiter, a . representative bf the Ringling-Barnum-Bailey Circus, was in camp on Thursday plastering the town with bills, announcing the performance of said- circus at Salt Lake on Friday, Fri-day, September 21. v Attorney . A: C. Cole motored to Salt Lake on Thursday last to make arrangements about .a case which he will defend in the Third District Court in the near future, fu-ture, Henry. Oddie came out from Salt Lake on Wednesday and was busy shaking hands, with his many old-time friends.' Mr. Oddie spent the best of his boy-hood boy-hood days in Bingham and his well-wishers here will learn with pleasure he has been appointed instructor at the University of Utah in its electrical department. Mr. Oddie has just returned from the east, where he held a lucrative lucra-tive position with the Westing-house Westing-house Electric Company. He stated the plant where he worked employed 23,000 people, practically practical-ly a city in itself. II, A. Bellows of New York, 'principal owner of the New York Bingham mining property, was a visitor in Bingham on Tuesday. Mr. Bellows is well known in camp by many of the old-timers, and has been the means of introducing in-troducing several thousands of dollars of eastern capital here for the prospecting of several of the camp's mining claims. The New York-Bingham mining property consists of 130 acres and adoins some of the best mining properties proper-ties here. It is understood efforts ef-forts are being made to resume activities at this property in the near future. , Joe Delaney, local fight promoter, pro-moter, promises another big time for the fight fans at the Princess Prin-cess Theatre on Wednesday, September Sep-tember 26th'. Haslone of Binpjit ham and' Ketchell of Los Angeles An-geles arid Joe Delaney and "Gad" Berry of Colorado will tangle horns, besides a number of other popular fighters. " l-Binghamites l-Binghamites who have, had marriage licenses issued to! them, at Salt Lake City the past week are Horace Mayne of Bingham and Elizabeth Gomoll of Salt Lake; James Warren Ivers of Bingham and Charlotte Ban-schett Ban-schett of West Jordan ; Marlunw W. Eden and Elaine Zion, both of Bingham; Mike Salas of Bingham Bing-ham and Crystal Wilcox of Salt Lake, and Edward Smith of Bingham and Eunice . Holder of Salt Lake. Lester Fagen. former pastor of the Community Church, who now has a pastorate at Ingle-wood, Ingle-wood, Cohx. is visiting friends in Bingham this week. Miss Beulah Copenhaver is now in charge of the Miles Hart-man Hart-man Plumbing and Hardware office., . |