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Show Copperfield Brevities Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mann arrived ar-rived Sunday from New Ontario, Canada, for a visit with the former's for-mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann. Mr. Mann was for-, merly a resident, here. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grant and children spent last week-end with relatives at Bountiful. Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen and daughter, Mabel, were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Reynolds and family motored to Salt Lake and spent Sunday, at Liberty Park.; Sherman Doman of Gibson City, Illinois, is spending a vacation va-cation here with his brother, Basil, Ba-sil, and Mrs. Doman. Mrs. G. Ralls and Miss Edith Borg spent Sunday in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Ivan Terry and children of Shoshone, Idaho, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Curnliffe and Mr. and Mrs. George Cun-liffe Cun-liffe of Salt Lake were dinner guests of J. E. Cunliffe and family fam-ily Sunday. Miss Edith Borg of the Miners Merc, left Wednesday to spend her vacation at her home in Richfield. Wilford Adams of American Fork, who is en route to Elko, Nev., spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. G. Johnson. Mrs. J. Lawrence of Pocatello, Idaho, is visiting her son and family at the Telegraph. Mrs. J. Snyder of Salt Lake spent several days t here this week lookirfg after the ' interests of her ' property at the Telegraph. Tele-graph. Mrs. Snyder was the guest of A. A. Cole and family during her stay here. Mr. and Mrs.. II. B. Aven were Salt Lake visitors Sunday. Mrs. Walter Butt and daughter, daugh-ter, Lillian, spent Sunday- with friends at Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lloyd of Salt Lake spent last week-end with their son, Lon, and Mrs. Lloyd here. Mrs. J. P. Turner, who has ; been the guest of her son, F. E. Turner and family, for a week, returned home to Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. W. Mace and daughter, Mrs. Willis Park, spent Wednesday Wed-nesday with relatives in Sandy. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ray Goodrich and son, Junior, arrived ar-rived home Wednesday from the Philippines, where Lieutenant Goodrich has been stationed the past three years. Mrs. Goodrich will be remembered as Miss Irene Mace, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. William Mace, pioneer residents res-idents of Copperfield. After a visit here with relatives, Lieutenant Lieu-tenant and Mrs. Goodrich will go to New York City, where he has- been assigned,, to make their future home. . Miss Maud Welch, returned to Bingham on Sunday from Salt ' Creek. Wyoming, and visited 1 with Mrs. A. O. Mugfur. |