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Show VOTE AND BOOST FOR BETTER WATER "The Farmer"! Worst Enemy Rats. The Farmer's Best Friend Rat-Snap." These are the words of James Baxter, Bax-ter, N. J.: "Ever since I tried RAT-SNAP RAT-SNAP I have always kept it in the house. Never fails. Used 'about $3.00 worth of RAT-SNAP a year and figure fig-ure it saves me $300 in chicks, eggs an feed. RAT-SNAP is convenient; just break up cake,' no mixing with other food." Three sizes, 35c,' 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by .-' - BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. : SAVAS BROTHERS jf & JIM KOROBAS i: i if, i 1 : Wholesale & Retail Greengrocers f - : h FRUITS & VEGETABLES Of All Kinds DAILY 1 r" - - ' . :; '. We deliver anywhere any time !: : Phone 293 BINGHAM 4, Main Street ! J ! THE OUTLET CLOTHING STORE H : . I- ; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT l Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Shoes and Hats at Popular Prices f i . : H. WEISBERG, Prop., 505 Main Street, Bingham if DOESN'TLOOK IT frffiffi ou can' awflys judge a ff kook by its cover and you MfJ - - fcix may think that coal is clean fpZir7Z nV and without dvst or slag LC ' r A when you buy it but the Ty. ! jljn burning tells the tale. Our I i-v2EvJ MoT I n'gn ae Liberty or Utah M-Il!tijj3 ue coa 3 we screened and JJrSm' cleaned, and burns with a W) wit Nl. brightness and heat that will w cook and heat when wanted, sf ..m. N when you buy it at the Citizen's. Citi-zen's. Citizens Coal and Supply Co. Phone 39 Bingham, Utah DONT ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR NEIGH-BOR FOR THE LOAN OF THIS PAPER WHEN YOU CAN RECEIVE IT 52 WEEKS FOR THE SMALL SUM OF $2.00. SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION SUB-SCRIPTION NOW. l'OWN OFFICIALS OF BING-HAM BING-HAM CANYON Dr. F. E. Straup, President. Boyd J. Barnard, Treasurer F. W. Quinn, Clerk. Board Members, Bovd J. Bar nard, Dan Fitzgerald, R. II. Ken-ner, Ken-ner, J. A. Wright. Town Marshal, W. F. Thompson. Thomp-son. Night Patrolmen, John Mitch e!l and Thomas Mayne. Water Master, Wm. Robbins. Health Officer, II. N. Stand-ish. THE BINGHAM & GARFIELD RAILWAY COMPANY Operates through Package Car Service, in connection with the Union Pacific system between Salt Lake City and Bingham. For convenience of its patrons heated refrigerator refriger-ator cars are operated in this service, semi-weokly, for the protection of perishable freight when weather conditions warrant. II. W. STOUTENBOROUGH. A. W. MALY, Asst. Gen. Freight Agent, Agent Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah - pAT-SNAP KILLS RATS Also mice. Absolutely prevents odors from carcass. One package proves this. RAT-SNAP comes in cakes no mixing with other food Guaranteed. 35c aie 1 cake enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 65c size 2 cakes for Chicken House, coops or small buildings. $1.25 aire 5 cakes enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by BINGHAM MERCANTILE CO. O'Donnell & Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS Bingham Canyon Phone 1 7 NEIL O'DONNELL, Manager Main Office, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 6461 NOTICE! Did you ever buy a guaranteed used car? daysAH Studebaker used cars are guaranteed for 30 We have a variety of excellent cars Prices ric-ht Terms right. We fit your pocket-book. Big 6 Studebaker 7 passenger. Special 6 Studebaker 5 passenger. Nash Touring 5 and 7 passenger Nash Koadster. Buick Touring cars. Name the car We have it. FridavUr SaleSmCn bG in thiS City every Monday Headquarters GROVEU'S GARAGE, 128 Main Street. T. W. Naylor Co., Studebaker Distributors Phon LnT 1 18 State Street lhoneWas.31 Phone Was. 1266 Open evenings 8 p. m. Sundays 9 to 5. yyE STRIVE TQ PLEAgE ' Special prices on case lots of Peas, Tomatoes and Corn Wells Groceteria |