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Show NEIGHBOR SBBBBBSBSBSSBBBBSSBSBSBWSSBBfJSS Women Tell Each Oiler HowTley Hare Been Helped ly Lydia L U ; fiakham's Vegetable Compound . f! "; . ' ' ': ' 't'- " 1 PerrysbuTg', Ohio. "I took Lydta E" Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I. ... icauae I suffered with It"" Yi"f"aJ remember Juat bow ; r long I suffered, but f i it was for some time. I it&hlr, vi 0ne d87 1 WM .UUt mr( 3 I ing with lady I met . iliiM on tear, and I told '4J 1 her how I was feel- w U H ing and she said sh " II "i. X haclbeea justlik.1 f t ' i ifi' was with pains and V ;ff 1 lnrvniitroubleg-and she took the Vegetable Compound, and it cured her. So then I went and got some, and I certainly recommend it for ' it is good. Whenever I see any woman who ia sick I try to get her to tak Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com- v? pound." Mrs. Ada Fkick, Route 9, Perrysburg, Ohio. 1 In nearly every neighborhood to every '. town and city in this country there are . women who nave been helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound In , k the treatment of ailments peculiar to their sex, and they take pleasure ia passing the good word along to other women. Therefore, if you are troubled , in this way, why not give Lydia E. Pinkham's Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial. I THE SAME OLD BACKACHE! I Does every day bring the same old backache? Do you drag along with your back a dull, unceasing achef Evening find you "all played out"t Don't be discouraged! Realize it is merely a sign you haven't taken good care of your kidneys. Take things easier for a while and help your kidneys kid-neys with Doan'i Kidney Pillt. Thea the backache, dizziness, headachns, tired feelings, and bladder troubles will go. Doan't have helped thousands and should ' help you. Alk your neighbor! An Idaho Case W. A. Husted,i pe electrician, 816 f A ". Iielmont Btreet.sS JVfjL O Caldwell. Idaho., i ,Ja'lvS'"7sMF says: "I bad I fll Mi; "ijf'S sharp pains In k-fv 3 A R'15fvZ' my back and If .ri "1 g-H ROT? I stooped I had" S Arfflr to place myrYrfiE; hands on my) rfMS'y'?i! 1 back In order toL rwT vv-ij! 1 straighten. I w a ZlL-ZfYiLLJ so stiff and sore-' 's' mornings I could hardly get out of After Doan'e Kidney -Jv Pills the trouble disappeared and 1 I have had no return of It." 1 CetDoaaW Any State. 60c a Bos i DOAN'SSIV FOSTER -MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. V. dtfP kiU.V5 1m' " ion, ia-NIWP ia-NIWP Sml, irairtlnf UK. I. I f," wltli pc.rtul Iran ( U "dmpiwr m bf him. .tCy A nxhlnt. ffacuia, uli rBtd, u ati, S j tC JUS-' tAfltifafr Salt Lake City Firms A UAHUKR IN EIGHT WEEKS Wrln Mulrr Barber Cl.. nReiren St. 8. U To luuri prompt (rvie end jinck returns U theas adrsrtutmtnts mention ths name this psper. A MOlra ELECTRONIC TRt AT A1EN TS Abram'a Dinmo.1, A Trtatmtnt. Dr. R. E. Msupin. M. U 8.14 JuW Bid.. Suit Lake. JWOKSAMMHW STORIES BOflK An bnok V'hi wnt- hv mall. C. O. O I f.r,.t B,t Cn u Vjt,t s,, Tfmpl PANTJiUmriNES Frnbsirn'a Herbs for Hay-fever. Stnmach wou. blee. kidney diwueo. Stifi,etion suaranterd of money refunded. 42 W. 7 S., Salt Lk City. Wp SHEET MUSIC S0NfIS new and old. All kind Sheet mutlr by WUJ aisil. COD. Beelfy Music to. W S Maui - BRACTY CRKAMS h SVVrUKi " Try our own Cosmetics. Made and mad In our Bntuty Parlors, We hamllea Hnt claw hoe of lti-t styk-s in hnirrxl. Walker's Beauty Parlor jBLArin Being Wholcmle Distributor, we can supply Bliu-klei Artresun at lie a drew Park Davis UU, kl.-C"idi-IVe no Cutters Blsi-kleg Tel lets-Ihne te Postage paid. Any quantity. Literature on reqomit COOMBS DRUG COMPANY Veterinary lept. Suit Uke City FRVIT BOXESjTbUSHEL BASKETS PEACH i APPLE BOXES tdXZ noli-. .Salt Uke Bnt ft I.umher Co. KODAK FINISHING I We employ pmieuinnal photographers to fln- lh your kiUk film, Shipler Com mercial Photographers It So. Mm i ii Suit "jikn ily IIUKINKSS COt.LKfiES L. I. 8. Bt;SINtStf ( OLM.CkT fihnol of LITicienrr. All eommerirlsl hmnehei Celaloa free SO N. Main Pi.. S.lt l.,y. ri ClifC Rrmodtflrd. Tai-ned It Uyrd Send in your I CENTRAL TRUST CO. I Travel Department Main at 1st South, Salt Uke City Dealers in Foreign Kxt-hange Agents for All Leading STEAMSHIP COMPANIES j! We spcrinlie on through f trni Vortation for European Immigrants to the United States. Make your bwlvinj NOW Nw uarmfratiog QasUs Open July 1st. j slMitiliMC) |